Chapter 15

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A week had passed by and nothing had changed. The news on the USJ attack were getting less and less. Not a lot of reporters again by the entrance, but still trying their hardest on trying to get a interview. In those few days, we had gotten the guest room changes. It was now empty with just black sound proof foam and the floor was all. "Alright, I will shut the door and head towards the kitchen. You sing at the highest note you can and we can see if I could hear it." Shota says and shuts the door. I give it about a minute or two before I take a deep breathe and do a simple notes and then slowly grow higher. I stop singing and wait for a reply, but only silence was my answer. I open the door and almost knock into Shota. "Wah!" I say backing up, almost tripping.

"Your good, the room is soundproof." Shota says. "could of warn me before scaring me." I say. "You wouldn't of heard it." he says which makes me puts my hands on my hips. "Very funny. Come on, it's time for work." I say as we both head out. I didn't really  need to go to work. There was never anything to report and I only did that one homeroom for Class 1-B. I had only gotten one paycheck which was reasonable pay don't get me wrong; but with me helping Shota now for the bills and whatever other expenses I used it on the now studio. Money was becoming a bit tight. I was hoping with the sports festival I would be asked to help teach the classes or have the students come for me for help. But the hero students instead know what to prepare for the sports festival and don't need help, plus all the U.A high teachers haven't been going on many missions so I was just here. Sitting in my desk, spinning in circles in my chair.

"Are you going to do that all day?" I hear Shota say. "It is something to do." I say. "Why don't you just ask the principal to do some work, or go back to your agency." Shota says. I give a sigh. "I don't wanna bother the principal, plus...I'm not sure...If I want to go back to my agency." I say. "What do you mean?" "When I had said I was moving, after the mission. My agency was not...happy by my decision. with my hero career growing. They said if I ever came back, that my career wouldn't be the same. That it would be better if they would just drop me. I mean I still did some hero work at Kanazawa, but with how little that place was it was hard. Now I'm not so sure, if I should go back or if I should go somewhere else." I explain.

"There's always mine or Nerumi's agency. Probably could get a good word in by us." he says. "Thanks for the offer, but for now. I feel like I should be doing other things." I said looking at him knowing full well what I mean. "And spinning in your chair is helping the issue." he says. "Kind of." I say with a smile. "I will be going to the police during my lunch and by then I will know who has the investigate in their hands. I will speak with them and hopefully get my answer." I say. Right on cue, it was my lunch hour as I got up and headed for the door. "Wish me good luck!" I say with a smile and head out.

As I walk into the police station for the fourth or fifth time since I have been back, I am hoping with a bit of nerves inside me that I will get answers for my investigation. "Hello" I say to the lady in the front desk. "Oh Enchantress! Hello, how can we help you?" the lady asks. "I was hoping if you are able to tell me if anyone has begun investigating on my case...with my father." I say. "Hmmmm, I'm not sure. Since the attack on USJ has taken some of our top detectives at the moment. I believe it is less likely that someone has taken it, but I can still find out for you. Hold on one second." I nod and wait as she types away on the computer. Finally she had finished typing and looked at me. "Well, it would seem someone just recently took your investigation into their hands, but it will not tell me exactly who. They are probably still a new officer that it does take a while for our system to register them fully, unless their mentor enters themselves as taking the case as well in order for the recruit to learn." she explains to me.

"OH, ok. Do you have any numbers I could contact them or anything I can do to leave my name and number in order to help them however possible with this case." I say. "It would be helpful to leave your name and number since you do know the person we are trying to find in your case, but I wouldn't give too much hope in trying to help out as much as possible." the women says. "But their is a number if you want to contact the officer." she says handing me a piece of paper with a number. I leave her my information and back to the school. "Well, at least its something." I say in my head. I had about 20 more minutes before my lunch ended so I started to type a message to the number the women gave me.

"Hello, My name is Suki

I was told you were the officer that took my case in finding my father.

I am hoping to help in anyway. This is my number.

Please contact me when you have time."

Two more days had passed, and I had still no reply from the officer. I told Shota, but he said to leave it be. That I was probably right that they were on the USJ case more. I didn't have enough money on me to buy a simple sandwich or rice ball today. "I have to think of something soon." I say as my stomach growls. "SSSSSSUUUUKKKIIIII!!" I hear a loud voice say and turn around to see Mic. "Hey Yamada." "IT'S MIC!" he says. "Oh yeah sorry" I say scratching my head. "Anyway, how would you like to do my radio show tomorrow night! It will be a PARTY!" he says loudly. "I forgot I had kinda agreed to that." I say in my head. "Sure, just give me the address." I say. "ALLLLLLLL RRIGHHHT!" Mic says putting a fist up.  "SSSSHHHH!" I say and walk away. I had turn the corner and again almost bumped into Shota. "Wah! Stop that!" I say.

"I didn't notice you either." he says. "Are you really sure you are going to Mic's radio show? You do know all he does is play music all night long." "Well, I am a guest. And I remember he said one or two songs. It could maybe help me pick out a song or lower of choices for the festival performance." I note. During these pass few days, I had over 12 songs I wanted to pick from for this performance; but all seemed good enough for it, I couldn't choose no mater how many times I singed it or listened to them while I walked the halls of USJ. "If you say so, later." he says as he walks away. My stomach growls as he leaves and I sigh. "Mrs. Tachibana?" I hear a voice say and turn around. "Oh, hello." I say as I look at the girl with the short purple hair and head jack phones as part of her ears. " Your one of Sh-Aizawa's students. Can I help you with something." I say, hoping she didn't hear my  stomach growl.

"Yes, my name is Jiro. Kyoka Jiro. I didn't mean to overhear, but I heard you will be a guest star at Present Mic's radio show." she says. "Ah, yes. I kinda agreed to it. So I figured it might help me a little to pick a song." I say. "A song for what?" she asks. "Oh, I will one of the performances for the sports festival, and so far I have a lot of choices I want to sing, but I can only pick one." I say. "Ummmm..." she says looking away and then back at me. "Oh, yes sorry. Can I help you with something?" I ask again. "I could help.." she says softly. "I'm sorry?" I say confused. "I could help pick a song if you parents are musician's and I really love music a lot." she says. "My dad, also use to talk about how you have a really nice voice when you sing when you use to fight crime." she says. "Well, tell him I said thank you. And actually sure. I could use the help. And If you need any in preparing for the festival let me know." I say with a smile, but my stomach growls become louder.

I blush and shyly look down. "sorry, it's my lunch time." I say. Jiro laughs "Would you like to join me and some of the girls from class 1-A to lunch." she offers. "Uhhh, I didn't bring a lunch." I say admitting. "That's fine, we can all share and we can get to know you sensei." she says. "Sure, thank you!" I say as we all walk to the classroom. I got a buzz on my phone just then and look to see who messaged me.


We will talk soon."

Was the message said.

(Sorry it was so short, but the next chapters will be of USJ. So do not worry! Until next time!)

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