Chap. 20 Revised!!

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I didn't know how to remain calm. My heart was beating fast that it felt like everyone in the room could hear it. "They found him..." I think to myself. I didn't think they would find my father that soon. Then again, I didn't even know who this officer even was and to ignore the USJ attack investigation to try to help me was thankful enough. "But why Club Ravi?" I think to myself. It wasn't a place I would go to. It isn't a bad place, but it is sort of fancy like club. Something that you would see in a movie. Dim lighting, piano and singer singing smooth music. Fine dining. I know I should tell Shota about this, but for now I had to put it on hold. "I will tell him after he gets out of those bandages." I say to myself as Shota enters the lounge. He looks at his desk for anything he might need for the next two days off and then looks at me. "All set?" he asks. "Yup" I say with a smile I tried to make as real as possible.

After entering the hospital, recovery girl was already there. She always tries to find time everyday to go to the hospitals to try to use her quirk on any serious injuries people have gotten. It is helpful to the doctors. "Ah! You are here." Recovery girls says to us as we walk up to her. As we follow her to her office, Shota sits down in a nearby chair while I stand by the door. "So how are you feeling?" Recovery girl asks. "Fine. Can these come off now?" Shota asks. "Have you taken everything the doctors told you to take?" Recovery asked. "Yes." he says and she takes notes. "AH! Enchantress how are you? Your performance was lovely." she says paying attention to me. "Thank you Recovery girl." I say with a smile. I could tell Shota was getting a bit irritated with not having taken his bandages off yet, but you can't blame Recovery girl.

Recovery girl looks back at Shota and starts undoing his arms. After undoing one of the arms she uses her quirk and kisses the arm just to not let it have too much stern form being int he same position for awhile. She then does the same thing to the other one. "OK please move your arms a bit." she says and Shota makes a fist in both of his hands and moving his arms in a circle. "Does it hurt at all?" she asks. "No, I feel ok." he says as he keeps stretching them. "OK, Enchantress could you undo his face bandages?" she asks as I look at her confused. "ME?" I say pointing at myself. "Yes, could you. I feel little tired and don't want to stand up to much. I feel my old age is taking a bit on me." she says as I nod and walk towards Shota. Since Shota was sitting in a chair I had to bend over and be super close to his face as I try to find the seal in the back of his head behind his long hair for his face badge. "Don't blush Suki. Don't blush." I say to myself as I undo his bandage. Just seeing his face again, his true face. After un badging and re bandaging his face felt different this time around. Every time I did it. His wound under his eye would somehow always reopen or it pained me to see his red eyes every time I do those special eye drops on him. It was healing, but like I said slowly. And for Shota to have them off now made me wonder if Recovery girl will tell him to be a mummy face hero for awhile still.

"Keep your eyes closed." she told Shota as I finished un badging him and stepped away. She used her quirk once more and then took a step back. His wound under his eye was now a big scar and his eyes still slightly red, but not too bad. "Your arms should be fine after about an hour or two, just sore is all. That scar under your eye is going to be their permanently tho. As for your will probably be awhile to get use to using your quirk. It may even lessen the time you use your quirk since the impact was so great on your eyes. You are still going to have to keep those special eye drops with you from now on sadly. But otherwise, you are good to go as a hero still." Recovery girl says as Shota just nods his head.

(If you have not read the manga all the way up to chapter 189 then I am so sorry but mega spoiler will appear! And I can not leave this part out to put so I can put in a later date, because I am following the story line of Aizawa with all that Kohei Horikoshi has shown of him so me adding this spoil seems like a good story line way towards him in Koheis way and in my story line way so sorry!)

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