Chapter 25

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Panic was racing through me as the monster (Nomu I think All Might called him) holds an arm up high ready to swing and strike at the women on the ground closest to them. I quickly grab a chair and throw it up as the Nomu shatters it to pieces as I quickly grab the women by the shoulders. "MOVE!" I scream to her as I take her towards the now open wide hole in the club to leave. Yuuto is right behind me as we escape the broken club. "What is that thing?!" Yuuto says to me as we go to an alleyway right across from the club and see the Nomu leaving from the hole that we escaped from. The lady had soon left once we were near a bit of safety and thanked us.

"That's a Nomu...a creature or something that the league of villains made or something. All Might fought one at USJ. It's almost as him." I explain. " did they make him?" Yuuto says in fear. "I don't know...he was a normal human once...I just didn't think they had already made more..." I mumble out loud as people are running for there life. It had then come to my attention that the city seemed to be up red, not red as in the sun is setting but more so the red in flames. Just as I was about to go and head towards the flames Yuuto grabs my arm and pulls me into a run as we go from alley to alley to god knows where.

"Where are we going!? We have to go back and-We need to stick to the plan!" Yuuto says cutting me off. "What plan?" I say as we finally stop somewhere to check our breathes. "To find Hero Killer. If this could be the work of the league of villains, maybe they are trying to sneak out Hero Killer to join there forces." Yuuto says giving ideas. "How could you be so sure? My father doesn't seem that genius to cause all this!" I say gesturing to the Nomu and flames of downtown.  "You didn't think your father would kill your mother either." He says leaving a stabbing pain in my heart. I don't say anything as I just stare at the ground and make a fist.

"I'm sorry...but we have to hurry." Yuuto says changing subjects and starts moving again. "To where exactly?" I say following him, but still keeping my eyes towards the ground. "Your fathers possible hideout." He tells me as we weave from alley to alley again. about 5 minutes later, we are finally back out on the street but a bit further away from the chaos that is erupting right now. "Shota...should I have told you this?" I think to myself. If father is inside this hideout, what will I say to him? What will I do? Will I be able to face him? Doubt and fear and cowardliness is starting to feel me up.

"Suki?" Yuuto says pulling me out of my thoughts. "You look pale." he says to me. "Are you ok? I can go in alone." "No!" I say a bit too loud making me and him both jump. "No...I can do this...I need to do this." I say placing a hand over my heart. "For mom." I think to myself. Yuuto leads us through the back as he kicks the lock door open and we slowly step inside. Silence is what we receive. No noise or anyone in here for that matter. At least downstairs. I start to creep my way up the stairs hoping anyone inside doesn't hear any of the creaks the stairs are making.

Only three rooms upstairs. Each door closed. I open the first one on the right. "Just a bathroom." I mumble quietly as I continue on and open the second door which leads just to a storage room. I hear a thud suddenly and go on defense. I slowly walk towards the third door and notice that it's open ajar a bit. I take a peek to notice a person with their back towards me; kneeling on the ground mumbling and holding a phone close to them. I slowly open the door a bit more so I could hear what the person was saying until I heard the voice that I recognized so well.

"What do you mean Hero Killer didn't want to join in?! He seemed like the perfect fit. Shit! No NO! Don't do that! You guys need me! I can help!" I hear my father say to whoever is on the phone. I lift my right foot to take a step closer when my body freezes at my fathers next words. "I can fix this! You know me! I can find someone else for Shigaraki." "He is part of the league of villains." Yuuto was right...father was recruiting villains...he was in contact with Hero Killer.

"Come Suki! This is your chance! Grab him now!" As I shake my head to focus myself back to the plan. Everything suddenly happened so fast. I hear the door behind me crack open wider as Yuuto enters the room. Making the door creak which father quickly turns around dropping the phone and swinging a knife towards me. I barley miss it, but not without still getting a bit of a gash on my arm. I kneel down and kick the blade out of his hand as he starts to run towards the window.

Yuuto beats him to it though and grabs him pushing his body towards the wall. Father grunts and tries to get out of his grasp but fails. "Let me go! You have no idea who your messing with!!" Father says. "Oh, I think I do." Yuuto says. "Heh! Just you wait kid. When the league of villains come after you and all the people with quirks." Father says. "They won't bother coming for you." Yuuto says tightening his grip.  "So it's true.." I finally get my voice out. I know he hears my voice since father finally stops squirming in Yuuto's arms. "Suki?" he says. I get close but only enough for him to catch me from the corner of his eye.

"So...come to arrest me?" "What does look" I start to say losing my words. "I didn't kill her." Father says with a straight face. "LIAR!" I scream. "You weren't there! When I came that weren't there! Don't give me that bullshit! If you didn't then who did!?" "Heh..." father smirks, but doesn't say anything. "ANSWER ME!!!!" I say getting closer, but Yuuto blocks my way. "We can interrogate him at the station Suki come on." Yuuto says getting his handcuffs. "No! I need to know now!" I say. "Suki! We got him, we can do the proper paperwork and then you can interrogate him yourself." All the pent up feelings I have had towards my father just take over as I start to activate my quirk. "Sorry Yuuto.." I say in my head. Only to get foiled when Yuuto shouts in pain and backs off my father bumping into me.

Yuuto holds the side of his hip as Father runs and makes it out the window. I push pass Yuuto as I go out the window and run after my father. "SUKI!" I hear Yuuto shout as father and me go from alley to alley. Every corner is blocking me from grabbing him with my hand and I can't lunge towards him or else I will lose sight of which turn he goes towards. Finally, we are at a dead end, right behind me is the only way out for my father. "Done running?" I say standing tall and trying to catch my breathe.

" you still don't believe me that I didn't kill her." "Of course I don't believe you!! You...are a monster!!" I shout. "How can I be? Your the ones who have the quirks, has the power to kill me or make me kill myself. Who is the monster here?" Father says with a smirk. "I use my quirk for good! I don't make people kill themselves, and even if I didn't have this power. I don't beat my wife!" I snap back at him. Suddenly, my father looks down at the ground is a shaking. I take a small step back and put up my hands to defend myself in case, but instead I just stand there as he laughs a horrible insane laugh.

"Hhahahahahahaha" "What's so funny?! Answer me!" I say. " don't...even know who you can trust do you?" he says looking at me while giggling. "What do you mean?" "I wouldn't trust that Yuuto if I were you." Father says. "Heh...why cause he almost killed me?" "No...cause you have no idea what he did to get to yo-" Suddenly, from behind the building of the dead end. A huge fiery explosion appears. I look up only to lose focus of my father as he throws another knife towards me from the corner of my eye. I dodge and hit my left side on the wall of the small dead end as father runs back towards where we went. As I try to keep up, it's already too late since I can't remember which alleyways we came from. 

I punch a nearby wall as I lose him and curse. With adrenaline still rushing through me I try to make myself calm down as I access the situation I'm in. I lose my father, yuuto is probably back at the apartment or somewhere near there and an explosion just occurred not far from here as well. I look towards where the smoke is and start heading there going through the alleyways to hopefully find a street soon. After maybe 10 mins I did but only to feel my heart drop out of my stomach from seeing how in such a short time the  destruction of the downtown became from the Nomu. 

(Hello! I thought actually had this draft written up for about a year now but I never liked it and just stopped writing all together. I'm not gonna lie I gave up on this story, but I did think about this story from time to time. And I'm still watching the anime and reading the manga that when I think about this story I'm like I wonder how this situation would be with my character. So I thought I should at least publish this chapter. Maybe one day I will come back to this. Maybe this is the day. I'm not sure yet.) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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