Chapter 4

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"Breathe in. Breathe out. Calm down Suki! This isn't Principal Nezu! But it is the future generation. You don't only have to met them, but you might have to teach them." I say in a mumble. "Stop it Suki, just remember how you practice with Shota."

-Yesterday in class 1-A-

"Sooo....I'm going to met your students and Class 1-B. Do I introduce myself or do you introduce me? I ask. "It's up to you I can do either, I don't care." Shota answers. "Can you at least care a little and help me." I ask. "Sigh...fine." Shota says as he crawls into his sleeping bag. "Hey! Don't sleep on me!." I say putting my hands on my hips. "I wont." He says. I walk towards the door, back to the podium in the front.  "My name is Suki Tachibana! My hero name is Enchantress! Nice to meet you all!" I say with a bow. "Your not a transfer student. Your their teacher."  Shota says. "NO need to bow to them." I huff out a sigh. "well then you introduce me then, If you don't like how I do it." "Fine. This is Suki Tachibana. There done." He says. That's it! What about your substitute/ Secretary to your teachers!." I say a bit annoyed. "If you want a grand introduction I can have Yamada do it." He says with a Cheshire smile. "Don't You Dare." I say glaring at him.

"Well then either accept my introduce or have those kids eat you alive." He says. "Fine." I say crossing my arms. He smirks. Silence is in the air. "Why did you leave?" He asks. The question I was hoping to avoid since I got back, but I knew Shota or Nerumi would ask one way or another. "My family...Dad got a better job offer once I debuted as a hero and they weren't gonna take it at first, but after that one mission with you two years ago. They took it as a  sign and...we left." I say. It wasn't the whole truth, but still good enough to get by. "That mission wasn't your fault Suki." Shota says. "I know. I mean we still got the guy, but I know." I say. "Do you have a place to stay?" Shota asks changing the subject. Silence was in the air for a moment.

"If I say anything the whole truth will come out!" I think. "Still with my parents, but I'm looking." I say. Shota says no more and once we saw the principal, we went our separate ways.

-Present Time-

"Ok , here goes noting." I say and knock on the door. Loud chit chatter soon turns to silence as Shota opens the door and we both walk together to stand in front of the kids. "This is Suki Tachibana. Your substitute teacher in case us teachers have missions and also our secretary in case you need to get a hold of us." He says as I just nod my head shyly to them and wave. "Hello, my hero name is Enchantress. Its nice to me-" "ENCHANTRESS!" I hear someone yell from the right back of the class. Everyone turns to look at Midoriya. "Your Enchantress! You help out the police so much by using your quirk! with just your voice you can have anyone tell or do anything! And the people have no memory! The Charmer hero: Enchantress!" Midoriya explains. "Umm." I say only to get interrupted again. "Because  of your voice, you were asked to join a famous music company and make an album, plus go international!!" Midoriya says making the class gasp. "It was a nice offer bu-" I start to say. "Only to reject them because you wanted to save people then earn the fame, but that only got you more fame for your heroic deeds." "Could I please-" I try to interject. "Wow! Your so cool! Maybe you can be taught by her Jiro!" the pink skin hair girl says. "Maybe." The one with short black hair and ear jack phones for ears says. "She is so hot! Just look at that body!" a short purple Afro hair boy says with drool coming out. Soon the class was loud and interrupting one another I could barley get a word in. I had finally lost my patience when that purple Afro kid had asked if he could ask a teacher there bra side. Before Shota could use his quirk to silence them all. I slam my fist on the podium to get their attention and I use my quirk.

" This is all hands on deck~" I sing and everyone is silent and in a daze. "Calling out to lost boys and girls~ I'm getting tired of the disrespect~ They've seen nothing yet~ Better tell them who's in charge so they don't forget~" What's my name?~ Whats my name?~" I sing and they all answer. "Enchantress!" "Say it louder~ What's my name?~" I sing holding up raising up a fist for them to copy and say "ENCHANTRESS!" Louder. I snap my fingers and they all snap out of their daze wondering what just happened and why they all have a fist raised up. "Now, lets try this again shall we. It's very nice to meet you all, I will not only be helping teach you but class 1-B as well. And if I had been a villain using my quirk would of had me let you all tell me your weakness or if I just wanted to. Just had you go jump off the roof. I would try to stay on my good side." I say with sinister smile. They suddenly realized I had used my quirk on them and were suddenly silent, a bit scared and focused on me. 

"Now as Midoriya said, My quirk is hypnotic singing. I can make you all tell me anything I want to know or do as I say, I still sing normally even without my quirk activated. But if I use it on a big crowd, I do tend to get dizzy from it. And yes I was offered a music deal, but I kindly refused for I wanted to help save people rather then just be in the spotlight. I wish I wasn't too into the media like Mr. Aizawa, but with my quirk. Its hard not to get spotted." I say. "Any questions?" The tall one with the glasses I remember raised there hand. "Ms. Enchantress" He says. "How is it that we were affected, but Mr. Aizawa was not?"

"Probably because of two reasons. Would you like to give reason number one Aizawa?" I say looking at him. "Sigh..Reason number one, You guys had lost all manners and even though I could of used my quirk to stop her. You must all respect the teacher and staff here of this school. You will gain nothing if you disrespect us. So learning a lesson the hard way by having her use her quirk on you guys isn't bad. I know Enchantress would of not had you all go jump off the roof." He says. "Reason number two,  my weakness should be pretty easy to know. If someone has earplugs, headphones or something to dull their hearing. My quirk will have no affect on them. Plus Aizawa and I graduated from the same class and only him and couple others know to always carry around a pair of earplugs in case I use my quirk so it won't effect them." I say.

All the students gasp as they look at me and Shota. "You both were classmates!?" They scream. Me and Shota just shrug our shoulders. "Any other questions?" I offer. "Are you guys a couple?" the one pink girl ask. "N-no!" I blurt out blushing grabbing my hair. "Stupid habit!" I mutter. "Ah! Is that a yes?!" the one girl with short brown hair behind the one with glasses asks. The bell rings to dismiss homeroom. "Enough! Class is dismissed!" Shota says and we both leave. We both turn around a corner and I Lean against the wall only to slide down to the ground suddenly exhausted. "I told you they will eat you alive." He says.  "They didn't eat me alive. They are just curious is all." I say. "You have a lively group Shota." "More like a pain." He says. "That's what you said about Yamada and look where you two are now." I say.  "Yeah still a pain." He says. I laugh.

"I better go to class 1-B. Thank you for introducing me to your students." I say as I stand back up. "Your welcome back party is tonight. Nerumi and Yamada already set it up with a few other teachers. We are going to a karaoke bar." he says. "Don't tell me you won't be join us." I say.  "As much as I don't want to, there's no getting out of this one." He says. "If you suffer I suffer." I say. "Come on it won't be that bad." I say. "Not like it's going on a date or anything." Shota looks at me suddenly and slowly gets closer to me. "What?" I say as I lean more into the wall. He gets closer and closer to the point where our noses almost touched. "Do you want it to be a date?" He asks. "Wha-No I-It was" I start to ramble. "Do you want to be a couple?" He asks. I don't say anything and just look at him. "Too close. Too close." I think. "One lean in from the both of us and our lips would touch."

Suddenly, we hear students and laughing approaching us and he backs off.  I'm not sure what my faced looked like because Shota did his cheeky Cheshire smile and walked away.

(Sorry that's the only song I could think of with coming up to using my characters quirk. I promise there will be better picked songs. Or if you guys can think of better one then use it! Next one will be the bonus scene so  skip it if you would like. Until next time!)

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