Chapter 9

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Shota grabs my fist before I could punch the ground once more. "Suki! What's going on? Are you ok?" he asks. I look at him and quickly stand up suddenly running down the stairs. "Ah! Hey!" he says as he follows behind me. "Hurry! You have to call the police to my address! We don't have much time!" I say. "What! Suki calm down, what is going on?" Shota asks as he grabs my arm. I pull out of his grip and grab my own phone. "Fine, I will call them as we get there. Since I can't use my quirk right now, you might have to use yours on him. Maybe they can reach her in time...and then at least I saved her...even if she stays in the hospital for a while." I say mumbling loudly dialing the police. "Him? Hospital? Suki! Your not making any sense!" Shota says grabbing the phone from me. I try to grab it out of his hands, but he just holds it out of my reach.

"Shota! Give it back!" I say. "Not until you explain! Why are we going back to your place? Who is this him and her?" he says. "Her is my mother, who is bleeding to death! And him is my father who stabbed her and is possibly not unconscious anymore and might of finished the job! So either give me back my phone, or call the police and follow me!" I say shaking him and running for it. It took him maybe less then a minute to start following after me as I ran. The moment we got back to the house, my mother was still laying in the front of the entrance with her stomach slipping blood everywhere on her and the floor. My father...was no where to be found. As I touch her neck and wrist to check her pulse to see if she was still alive...I had felt a little hope that I felt a pulse, but...instead it was nothing. I had Shota and paramedics check twice...but there was never a pulse. Police had searched the whole house for any evidence of my father, but found only a bit of his blood from when I hit him on the floor and nothing more.

I had to follow the police back to their station in for questioning as what events had happened in the house while I was there. Shota had to come along since I had called him and he follow me to the scene. It feels weird having to be the one in question. Sitting in the empty room with just the table and chair and a mirror on the other side. "Your name?" a police officer asks as I see him with a file in his hand. "Suki Tachibana" I answer. "Age and Hero name?" "Shouldn't you have all that information already?" I ask. "It's policy to still ask." the officer says. "Sigh...29, hero name Enchantress." I say. "What happened at your house that has now left us with a possible murder of your mother and your father missing. Please explain everything of your day."

I make a fist with my right hand under the table as I explain my entire day from the incident at U.A High to the moment I had came inside the house broken and the fight I had done with my father. To the point I had ran with my suppose mother to Shota's place, but instead ran off alone while she died. "Your mother, her quirk was illusions?" the officer asks. "Yes..she can make anything seem real. It was always sometimes hard to tell if she was casting an illusion on you." I say. "And your father? Does he have any quirks?" "No...he is just...a man who serviced in the military, but due to an injury he couldn't work in the service anymore and retired." I say. "Strange your quirk is completely different from your mothers. Say's you didn't gain your quirk until you were 7." the officer explains. "Yes, When the doctors had examine me they said my quirk would either come later on in life or I wouldn't have one at all. So my mother would always sing songs to me as she used her quirk to make the songs become real.I would try to sing along and one day I had sang something to her and my quirk activated."

"It says you all had recently moved back to Tokyo. Care to explain as your chose of leaving?" "My father had recently gotten an offer to work as a trainer for the new solider base. But within the two years we lived there, he was never able to fully finish a training session with them." "Why?" the officer asks. I make a fist again under the table. "Drinking.." I say after a minute of silence. "Which leads to me asking you if you and your mother were abused by this man?" the officer asks looking at me with more sharpness in his eyes. "Yes..." I say trying hard not to grind my teeth. "Then why is it that you never dare call police for this to have stopped sooner? Could she not just make an illusion out of something for him to hit instead?" "Do the pieces not fit so well in your puzzle officer? My mothers quirk I have already said is hard to tell if it was fake or not. It's probably wasn't worth putting on my file, but from the ages of 16 to now. I had called the police three times to our house for in endangerment and abuse and the police let it slide so well they thought I couldn't handle a minor fight between my parents. I tried so hard to shake my mother. To make her get rid of the illusion she placed on those cops that never worked. Maybe you should consider calls like that more seriously then a pat on the head. Also, my father knew her weakness when it came to illusion's. Better then me that I still can't...I still don't know how he ever learned how to make her illusion's disappear." I said with a glare. Silence was in the room. "Why call Easerhead: Shota Aizawa?" the officer said after a moment. "He was the only one possible to maybe help me.." I say correcting myself. "Hero's Mic and Midnight were either working or too far away that I didn't want to risk going far with my mother beside me for I didn't know how bad her injuries were." I say. "Your story does line up with Aizawa. Care to tell us if you know any leads as where your father could be hiding?" the officer asks. "I have no idea...I didn't care much about where that man came and went. I just...cared only about her." I mumble quietly as I stood up and walked out the room.

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