Chapter 13

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After being in Shota's apartment for the past 3 hours I have just been laying here in bed sighing away as Kinshi is sleeping next to me. It was probably midnight now and Yamada was no where to be seen when I made it back here. I was worried he would find out about us. That is...if Shota and I are still going along with the plan. I sigh probably for the hundredth time now as I look up at the ceiling. "Was I being annoying? I don't think so...I think he just was being a stubborn. Not wanting help...that's what I am here for! And what the principal says will go." I think again and again in my head, but knowing Shota. He has been a better and longer in doing hero work then me. I practically don't do any hero now after I left. So I know he knows his body better then anyone, but still. "Wrapped up in those bandages does mean something!" I mumble turning over on my left side. "No use now in worrying. Let's just sleep so I don't look too dead for the meeting." I think as I close my eyes to let sleep take me.

Walking into the conference room, I see that All Might, Nerumi, Vlad and Snipe were here for the meeting. "Suki!" Nerumi says coming up to me. "How are you?" "Good" I say. "How is Shota?" she says whispering it to my ear. "Fine.." I say. "Fine? Is everything ok?" she asks. "Sigh...I don't know yet." I say. She wanted to say more, but then the principal and detective Tsukauchi entered the conference room and we all took our seats. I sat next to Vlad. "Hello Heroes. Skipping formalities I will go ahead and start with this meeting." Tsukauchi says. "With the help of Enchantress, we were able to find out a bit of who were the main villains that planted this attack. The one called Shigaraki...His quirk allows him to disintegrate anything he touches. We've been through the list of men in their twenties and thirties in the quirk registry...with no luck. Nothing turned up on the "warp gate" user, Kurogiri either. Neither is registered and both are using aliases. Their quirks aren't on record making them members of the underworld."

"So your saying we know next to nothing...I reckon we ought a learn fast...or their leader of those varmints Shigaraki. His wounds'll heal and he'll be back again." Snipe says. "Leader, huh? All Might says. "What is it All Might?" Principal Nezu says.  "It's that nothing about this feels normal. It was an especially daring attack. And not just in the meticulous planning! He started going on about some ridiculous ideology. And though he didn't say anything about his own quirk. He was shooting his mouth off, bragging about that guy Nomu's quirk. And when things didn't go his way? He started throwing a tantrum!" All Might explains. "Well..I guess the business about the quirks was must to prove me" he says making a fist. "Even so, it seems especially foolish in a battle against heroes to reveal one's quirks and waste the element of surprise." Principal Nezu explains. "Spotting a plausible yet deluded ideology. Bragging about the toy he brought along and simple mindlessly thinking everything would go his way. If we think about how the attack carried out, it seems clear that this Shigaraki character...couldn't quite hide his childish nature. That sense that does he does whatever he wants. He's a man-child."All Might says.

"A kid with too much power, you're saying!?" Vlad asks. "Maybe he never received general quirk counseling in elementary school." Nerumi says. "Or..he never went at all and was in hiding all his life." I suggest. "SO!? What does that matter anyway?" Vlad asks. "We apprehend a total of 72 villains at USJ the other day. They were all just back-alley thugs, but the question is why so many of them would agree to follow this "man-child" detective Tsukauchi explains. "Nowadays our society is saturated with heroes. So maybe small-time villains like them, who always get kicked around are drawn in by that sort of pure unaffected evil.  Anyway, thanks to you heroes, we can focus on our investigation. We'll expand our search and devote our efforts to apprehending the perpetrators." "A man-child huh?" Principal Nezu says. "In one way he is like our students.  He has potential to grow. If only he had a proper mentor to follow. It's difficult to think about these things which makes me want to go ahead with this decision." "Decision sir?" I ask. "It will be good to have the sports festival not canceled and pushed actually a bit further then I thought."

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