Chapter 2

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Walking around U.A (blushing bright red all over my face!) just makes me feel like back in the only days when I was a student. Just wondering how far I would go to be in the top heroes like All Might. I still even remember my first day.

-Flash back: Third Pov-

As the cherry blossoms tree leaves fall towards the ground, a young Suki stands in front of the entrance of U.A. "Oh my god I can't believe it! U.A! I finally made it!" Suki says in her mind. "Just another step closer to becoming a top hero!" Walking into class 1-A herself she noticed a couple of other students had already entered the classroom. "Phew! At least I'm not the first one here." She says as she grabs a seat in the middle near the door. So far, some students had already started chatting among st themselves that Suki felt shy to go up to introduce herself.

"Come on Suki! Just go up and say hi at least. No need to be shy, these will be your classmates for the next three years!" she says nervously grabbing her hair and brushing it out. "Hey there!" a voice says from right across from her. Suki turns and notices a girl with glasses on and long black hair like her only her hair was layered going down. "My names Nemuri Kayama! Nice to meet you!" The girl says holding out her hand. "Oh! Um...I'm Suki Tachibana! Its nice to meet you too." She says shaking Nemuri's hand. Suddenly, Nemuri takes Suki's hand and starts rubbing her face all over it. "My your hands are sooo turns me on, just feeling them." She says with a blush running across her face. "W-What?!" Suki says trying to pull her hand away.

"Oh...I'm sorry, my sadistic side gets carried away sometimes and I can't help it." She says letting go of my hand with a giggle. "Oh...ok..." Suki says sweat dripping from her. "So, what's your quirk?" Nemuri says trying to change the subject. "Oh-um...I can- "Suki starts to say until she hears a loud voice enter the classroom. "OOOOH YEAH! CLASS 1-A LETS GO!" a boy with crazy spiked top hair says. "MY NAMES HIZASHI YAMADA! HOLD YOUR APPLAUSE PEOPLE!" he says as silence is greeted towards him instead. "Be quiet, it's only the first day. I don't want to hear this first thing in the morning." A quiet monotone voice says from behind the blonde hair boy. "Huh?" the blonde boy says turning behind him. There standing was a boy with long shaggy hair that covered almost all his face expect for one side, so you could see how tired looking his eyes were."Could you move please? I'm in this class." The monotone boy says and starts walking towards the back of the class to sit as far away as possible."Hey hey dont be that way! We are gonna be classmates! You will soon grow to love my presence!" The blonde boy says as he sits next to the monotone one. "Great...I want a nap." The monotone boy replies. "Whats your name anyway?" The tall boy asks. "Shota Aizawa" The other boy replies and turns to look Suki's way.

Blushing and quickly turning her head away. "That boy just looked at me! Oh my god! Oh my god! I hope I look decent enough." Suki says in her head. "Hey Suki-chan you ok? You look like a tomato right now." Nemuri says. " I'm fine." she says breathing in and out to calm herself down. "Ooooh do you have a sadistic side too? What just turned you on?" Nemuri asks; but before Suki could reply their teacher had appeared and Suki's years at U.A had begun.

-End of flashback (back to first pov)-

Sighing to myself after finally calming down. "Even though its been so long, I still can't get over my crush on Shota. He probably doesn't even see me in that way, let alone has time for a relationship." I say in my head just sighing again.  Looking out the window I spot Shota around the back of the school grounds with his students probably. "Shouldn't they be doing orientation right now?" I thought. "Well, it couldn't hurt to wonder how Shota teaches his students right? I mean I will be helping his class and class 1-B it couldn't hurt to see right?" I wonder as I turn to go towards the the grounds only to bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." I say to the person as I look at them. "Oh no I'm sorry, are you ok?" a deep male voice says.  I look to see a kind of skinny man with a baggy kind of yellow strip suit. He seemed almost in a hurry kind of as i noticed he was holding a staff dictionary.  "Oh? Ummm is there something I could help you find?" I ask the man. "Huh? Oh uhhh no i was just going somewhere." he says. "Oh, because i notice the dictionary of staff that your holding so I'm wondering if you are looking for a certain staff member." I say pointing to the book. "Oh...I guess you could say I am." the man says. "This could be my chance at my secretary job!" I say in my head.

"I'm actually the new secretary for the teachers, I don't start until tomorrow, but I will happy to help." I say.  "Oh? Umm no thank you, I already happen to know where the person I'm looking for is. So if you will excuse me." the man says and quickly walks away from me. A frown lays upon my face. "Great job are you gonna be the secretary...partially scared the man off." I say in my head. " least I can see what the heck Shota and his students are doing instead of orientation."

After making it towards the grounds, I watched behind the tress as I noticed all the students. "What are you doing Shota?" I thought as I see all the students using their quirks during what seemed to be a series of tests. All of them seemed really gifted with their quirks, expect one stood out to me. With fluffy spiked green hair, he seemed to me like a simple boy with no quirk, but to get into hero class you most have one. I felt almost sad for him, but he determined to try his best during these tests. It seems the one that seemed more nerve wrecking for this kid, was throwing the baseball. He was just standing there looking at the ball. "Midoriya better Shape up soon or he will be going home." a tall blue hair boy with glasses says. "Going home? Like expelled! So what Yamada said about expelling the whole class was true." I thought as I continued to watch them.

"Of course he is! He's a quirk less loser!" a blonde spike hair boy yells to the tall one in glasses. "He has a quirk! Did you not hear what he did at the entrance exams?"  the tall glasses boy says. Finally, after a couple of minutes, the green hair boy named Midoriya looked ready to throw his pitch. I turn to look over towards Shota who was leaning back far away from the other students. I also spotted a bright yellow thing from the corner of my eye. I turn towards to see...ALL MIGHT!!!

( Sorry it took so long to publish this chapter up, Life happened and also I kept editing this one a bit, Also sorry if the progress of the story is a bit slow, I promise it will get to the good stuff, I just want to be as close to the manga and anime as possible.)

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