Chapter 11

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(I just realized in the manga and anime there is only that couch where principal Nezu and All Might sit. So imagine a chair on the corner. On with the story!)

After All Might found some tissues for me, I thanked him as he gave me them. "Thanks" I say with a sniffle. "I hope whatever it is you've been feeling. Gets better." He says. I nod my hand. It got quiet for awhile between us, but I think we were ok with the silence. Since we were both probably reminiscing the past. All Might grabs his phone and starts contacting someone. "Probably asking how the kids are doing and how long till he can make it there." I say in my head. But for some reason he gave a stranger confused look at his phone and then tried again, but ended up with the same result. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "Hmmm, I can't contact Aizawa or Thirteen." he says. "Good reasons or not, I put my hero work ahead of my teaching and that was..quite foolish. What do I tell them when I get show up at the end? Anyway I should be fine in another 10 minutes." He says.

It is strange though to hear that neither Shota or Thirteen could answer. "Maybe there are in the Fire or windstorm simulation they couldn't hear the phone?" I say as a possibility. "No! I'm going!" All Might says in his hero form. "Hold on" someone says as they slide open the door. "The principal!" Both of us say as we stand up. Well, I stood up and bowed my head, but All Might went on his knees and starting rocking back and forth. "Your coat is splendid today sir!" All Might says. "My secret is keratin. No human could produce such luster!" Principal Nezu says. "Enough of that though. Look!" he says as he holds up article that reads "All Might resolves three incidents in under in hour."

"The ne'er do wells in this haven't let up , even after you came to town, but...Rushing off the moment you hear trouble is so very like you! You really haven't changed at all. Your injury and after effects have limited you as a hero. Not to mention being  busy educating the successor to one for all. But you being the stubborn "symbol of peace" that you are..refuse to make either of those things public knowledge. Which is why i recommended you teach here. So try taking it easy once in awhile." Principal Nezu explains to All Might as he fazes back to his original form. "One for all? Successor? Is that his quirk?" I wonder in my head. "Even today, you would only be able to attend a portion of the class. Yes, I did offer you the position here. But don't forget that you also accepted it. So I'd appreciate it if you tried a bit harder to prioritize your role as a teacher. Have Suki help you if you wish since she is also a secretary here for the staff." Principal Nezu says as he climbs onto the other couch. "This city has enough hero agencies to deal with common criminals."

"You're absolutely right ...That's why...I was just getting ready to head to USJ." All Might says still in his kneeling on the floor pose. I sit back down on my chair right across from the couch. "But you'd be forced to return soon thereafter no? So why not enjoy some tea and crackers with me? I can tell you about my theories on education. Please feel free to hear this as well Suki." Principal Nezu says as he pours some tea. "Of course" I say as I look at All Might. He just gives me a smile but I could tell the sweat drop on the side of his face. "First, on the inevitable stresses and burdens when walking the line between hero and educator." principal Nezu starts. "Sensei you haven't changed either." All Might says as we sit there for another good 10 minutes or so on Principal Nezu's theories. 

Through the lecture though that Principal Nezu was giving us. All Might didn't seem all there. "Was it because of Shota and Thirteen not answering? Now that I think about it, The simulation's for the fire or windstorm take only about a couple of minutes since we don't want the students in those simulation's for long until they get the hang of it after more training. Usually we do more the landslides or mountain zones. Shota would of called back by now though if that were the case." I think as I slowly pull out my phone and try to send Shota text message. I type out, "How are the students?" but suddenly got an error in sending the message through. I probably showed a confused face since All Might seemed to be staring at me. I try once more with a message. "Hey" but again it gave me an error. Suddenly, All Might stands up.

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