"Finally", I smiled as I reached my car.

I headed home to get ready for my night out with the girls. I got us into some bar where famous people usually go.

I got home and freshened up. Putting in my black dress, fixing my makeup, and charging my phone.  Once I heard the honk it was time to go.

"Let's do another shot. Bartender three more shots please", I yelled.

"Here to you official first night of freedom", Lisa yelled.

We though down the shots and headed to the dance floor.

"Wait wait wait I gotta make a call. Let's go to the bathroom", I shouted through the music.

We headed to the bathroom and I dialed the number I had saved in my phone. It rang a few times then there was an answer.

"Hello", he said.

"Hi Michael, this is Jasmine from the plane", I slurred

"Hey baby what's going on", he said.

"Oh nothing just at some club how bout you baby", I smiled slightly slurring my words.

"I'm also at a club. You sound drunk where are you", he asked.

"Club Spade", I giggled.

"In the bathroom", he asked.

"Yes sir", I laughed.

"Step outside", he said.

I poked my head outside the bathroom door. He stood there leaning against the wall.

"Guys I'm right outside the door", I whispered.

"Hi", I giggled falling into his arms.

"Hi you here alone", he asked.

"No my girlies are in the bathroom", I smiled.

"Why don't y'all come chill with my crew for a while", he suggested.

"Perfect", I said, "guys let's go I found some guys".

We followed Michael over to his private booth.

"Let's dance baby", he suggested.

"Steelo, you got her friends", Michael shouted.

"Yea bro don't worry", Steelo said back.

Michael took my hand and led me to his car. I gave his driver my address and we drove.

"You coming in with me", I asked.

"Ha ha you're very drunk", he laughed.

I got on top of Michael and kissed him. His hands ran up and down my body. I felt him getting hard through his jeans.

"Wait", I pulled back.

"What's wrong baby", he asked.

"I don't have my keys. I gave them to Lisa", I laughed.

"No problem baby I'll take you to my place", he said, "Chaz just take us to my house please".

After a long heated make out session we were there. Michael gave me the key while he tipped the driver. I ran up to the door and open the door. I stood in the doorway shocked at his home.

"Ok beautiful let's get you a shower", he said.

"No let's take a bath", I smiled running up the stairs.

Michael followed after me and led me to the bedroom.

"Look through the drawers and fine  a t-shirt and underwear. I'll start the water", he said.

I found some underwear and a beater. I laid on the bed and waited patiently for him to get me.

"Come on Jasmine", Michael smiled.

I stood up and went into the bathroom.

"Help me undress", I smiled.

I got close and kissed him again. He unzipped my dress and unhooked my bra.

"Let's get in", I smiled dropping my panties.

"No no no this bath is for you", he smiled.

"Come on take a bath with me", I pouted.

"Fine", he agreed undressing himself.

I got in the bath and Michael and I got to talking.

"So tell me about you", he started.

"Well I am from California, but I moved to Kansas when I got married. I work with Fashion Nova here in L.A.. what else do you want to know", I asked.

"Tell me more go deep. Who am I going to tell", he laughed.

"Well I moved to Kansas with my ex-husband of seven years. We had a baby girl named Rio. When you met me. I was coming back from working out the custody agreements and signing the divorce papers", I said.

"What the custody agreement if you don't mind me asking", he asked.

"Well I have primary custody. I get her during the school year. He gets her during July and August. Once she's eighteen she can decide whether she wants to come here during the summers or stay there. Right now she's there but she'll be here next month", I explained.

"How old is she", he asked.

"My baby is six years old. If this night keeps going amazingly I'll show you a picture", I smiled.

"I'd love that.... I love your smile. It's beautiful the way your dimples pop", he said.

"Thank you. Now what about you. Tell me about you", I requested.

"Well I'm thirty one. I'm an actor working on movies and tv shows. I've never been married", he said.

"Now that you're clean and and somewhat sober let's get to bed", he said pulling the blanket back.

"Ok let's do it", I smiled.

I got in bed and we started talking again. I showed him pictures of Rio. His expression was great.

"She's beautiful. Just like her mother", he said with a big smile.

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