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Michael is coming over to meet Rio today. I'm so very nervous. I want this to go so well. He is bringing her favorite candy to help so fingers crossed.

"Baby get up we have to clean up and go to the grocery store", I said opening her curtains.

"Mommy please let me sleep", she whined.

"Baby today is really important to mommy. We are having a guest over for dinner tonight. The house has to be cleaned and I'll even make your favorite food", I said combing through her hair with my fingers.

"Fine", she said popping up with a smile.

"Should we clean first or go to the store", I asked her.

"Store first. That way maybe I'll wake up more", she said.

"Well get dressed please", I clapped.

We both got ready then headed to the store. I got everything for dinner plus extra stuff for the week. We rushed home and cleaned up. Laundry, dishes, rooms, etc.

There was a knock at the door and my heart literally dropped. I'm so anxious. I really like Michael, so if things between him and Rio don't work we can't be together.

I opened the door and saw Michael standing with candy and flowers.

"Hey baby I look ok", he asked giving me a kiss.

"You look perfect babe come in", I smiled.

"Baby come here Michael is here", I yelled.

I heard her little feet running towards the door.

"Hello I'm Rio", she smiled doing a little princess curtsy.

"Hello beautiful I'm Michael nice to finally meet you", Michael said.

"Baby this is mommies boyfriend", I said.

Not realizing what I said Michael looked at me with a confused look.

"Mommy you have a boyfriend", she smiled.

My heart fell. I screwed up. Shit shit shit.

"Yes baby I do", I smiled, "Go get washed up for dinner please".

"Baby I thought you were just telling her we were friends", he asked.

"I was but the word just fell out of my mouth. But you know what I'm happy she knows about you", I smiled.

"Gimme sum suga", he smiled.

I stood on my tippys and gave him a kiss. He placed his hands on my waist and kissed me back.

"Woah there pda", Rio giggled.

"Let's eat", I laughed.

We sat down to eat. And conversation started immediately. Things were going well at least to my knowledge. We are going to watch a movie after we eat. Rio's choice.

"Alright the child is in bed", I said coming back into the living room.

"So let's talk. Did she like me I really hope she liked me", he asked.

"Yes she liked you a lot. She's so happy I found you", I smiled.

"Were you nervous", he asked.

"Babe I was so nervous you have no idea", I said.

"So let me ask you a question that Rio asked me when you were in the kitchen", he said.

"Oh lord", I said awkwardly.

"Rio asked if I was moving in. When do you think is the right time to suggest that", he asked.

"Well that's hard to say. I think a safe time to move in would be February. We have a month and a half to make sure everything works good", I said.

"Sounds perfect. Now co'mere", I said patting his lap.

I hopped onto his lad and started kissing him. Kissing his neck and everything.

"Let's move to the bedroom", I breathed.

We quietly stuck to my room.

"Drop your pants Jordan", I smirked.

He dropped his pants and I dropped to my knees. You can assume where things went from there.

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