We are headed back home Tomorrow. I emailed our lawyer and put the papers through for the adoption and name change. Of course we still have to announce this all to Rio tonight at our dinner on the beach.

I'm at the spa enjoying my me time while Michael and Rio are off doing something.

"Mrs. Jordan you're all set. Unless you'd like to add another hour", said the masseuse.

"No I better get going. I've already added two extra hours. Thank you so much though I really appreciated and need this", I laughed.

"Oh you welcome dear", she smiled.

I got dressed and headed upstairs.

"Michael or Rio are y'all back yet", I called out.

It took me a minute but I finally noticed the red rose petals leading towards the bedroom. I walked in and there on the bed laid a beautiful olive color romper. It was the one I admired at the mall yesterday. I didn't get it because I wasn't sure if I liked it.

"Get dressed and walk the path we took when we first got here. Meet us at the beach"

I got dress and dolled myself pretty then headed out. I walked the path and sure enough there was a table and my family.

They stood up as they noticed me coming.

"Here she is our guest of honor", Michael clapped.

"Hello hello", I giggled.

Michael pushes my chair in as a sat down.

"What are we having", I asked.

"We my dear are having steak with a side of baked potatoes and shrimp", Michael said.

"Mmmm my favorite", Rio and I both said.

Our dinner was served immediately and we started eating after we said grace.

"So baby mommy and Mikey have some pretty big news", I said.

"Is it a baby", Rio yelled.

"No no no not yet", Michael said.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows. That we can talk about later I laughed in my head.

"Baby how would you feel if Mikey adopted you. Then he would legally be your daddy", I asked.

"I loved it", she said jumping up doing a dance.

"Do you wanna take my last name too. You would be Rio Jordan", Michael asked.

"Yes please can I", she asked.

"Of course baby. I already put the paper work through", I smiled.

"Will my real daddy be mad", she asked.

"Nope he said he's happy if you're happy", I smiled.

"Yay yay yay", she jumped.

Dessert was served. We had my favorite. Brownies with strawberry ice cream.

I took my last bite of ice cream and felt something in my mouth.

When I pulled it out I saw a big engagement ring in my hand.

"Baby", I asked.

"I thought yours never find it. I was for sure you ate it", Michael laughed.

He took the ring from my hand and got on one knee.

"Baby we've been together for a long while now. I've helped raise your daughter who is soon to be our daughter. We've worked through countless issues and we own a house together. I never would have thought I'd accomplish that much with someone. And I'm so glad I got to do it with you. You're the most pure the most amazing person I've ever met and I wouldn't ask for anyone more. I want to not just marry you but have babies with you and grow old together. Please tell me you'll marry me so we can be happy forever", he spoke.

"Yes", I cried.

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