"Ok baby one more block the. We will go home. It's getting chilly", I said.

"Ok mommy. Look at that house", she yelled.

"Go ahead. Say thank you", I laughed.

I can't wait to put her to bed. Michael is coming over to check her candy and make sure it's good. Who knows maybe more.

As we walked to the next house Rio's father called me. He was drunk or something. Anyways I hung up and we kept walking.

"Ok sweetie. Go take your bath. When you come out you can eat and watch tv until I finish my shower", I explained.

She went into the house. I heated up the homemade Mac and cheese I made yesterday then placed it all in the living room for her.

I turned in the water and set out my clothes. Hopping into what shower and handling business. Finally I am out and dressed. I put on my satin robe then went to read and tuck Rio in.

"Hi", I smiled opening the door.

"Hey baby I missed you so much", he said giving me a kiss.

"I missed you too. Let's go have sex", I giggled quietly.

"Damn let's go", he laughed following me.

I threw off the robe and laid on the bed.

"Damn baby I missed your body", he said biting his lip.

"I want to show you how much I missed you", I said.

Michael climbed on top of me feeling me all over. I rubbed my waist against his dick getting him hard. He took off my outfit and began suck on my breast. He stood up and undressed himself. He hovered over me. He thrusted into me and gave no mercy.

"Oh fuck", I whispered.

"You like that baby. Who am I", he asked.

"Daddy. Oh fuck you're daddy", I moaned.

He kept thrusting even after I finished.

"I'm about to finish. Fuck fffuuuccckkk", he moaned.

"Good thing I'm on birth control", I giggled.

"Shit I just assumed", he laughed.

I went into the bathroom and peed and all that. Then I laid back in bed with Michael. We stayed up talking for a while. I didn't have to work and I wasn't making Rio go to school so we stayed up.

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