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"Ladies and gentlemen I bring you Michael B. Jordan", Ellen shouted.

Michael walked out onto the stage. Everyone was clapping and shouting how they love him.

"Michael so nice to see you again we have a lot to talk about", Ellen smiled.

"Yes we do", Michael laughed.

"Let's start with the movie then we will bring your girlfriend and her adorable daughter out later", Ellen started, "So how is the movie going it comes out in two and a half months".

"The movie is great we're pretty much done now. We are filming the last scene now and editing", Michael said.

"That's good. To bad we have to wait all the way until November", Ellen said.

"Don't worry it'll be completely worth it", Michael smiled.

"So what's your next project", she asked.

"Well I'm working on a tv show called Raising Dion", Michael said.

"When and where will we be seeing that come out", she asked.

"It will be out on Netflix and we aren't sure in a release date", Michael stated.

"Alright folks now let's jump into the juicy stuff that we are all waiting for. Let's have Michael's girlfriend and her daughter come out to stage", Ellen clapped.

Hand in hand Rio and I walked out to stage. I sat next to Michael and Rio day on Michael's lap.

"Soooo let's jump right in... where'd you meet", Ellen asked.

"Well I was coming back from Kanas where I was handling business. We met in the airplane then it went on from there", I smiled.

"That's nice. So why don't you just give me the dirty scoop spill the beans", Ellen laughed.

"Well basically Jasmine  and I are getting very serious. She's my soulmate. She's always there for me. We have trust in each other. This is the best relationships I've ever been in. We are even moving in", Michael explained.

"Awww that's sweet. What's your name sweetie", she asked Rio.

"My name is Rio", she jumped.

"Well Rio how do you feel about Michael", Ellen asked her.

"I love Mikey. He's like my new daddy since my real daddy doesn't love me", She said.

The crowd "awww" in saddened. But who wouldn't. According to Jason he didn't even want her.

"Honey I'm sure that's not true. He loves you", Ellen said.

Ellen looked at me to say something but I had nothing to say.

"Here honey listen to some music", I said handing her my phone and earphones.

"So we know about our relationship because your exhusband posted about it on Facebook. Do you mind telling us what made him so mad he posted that", she asked.

"Um basically he showed up at my house unannounced and started asking a bunch of questions about me and Michael as if he had any rights. I mean in his designated holidays he didn't even take her but wants to call himself a father. So we asked him to leave. He was pissed. That's why I believe he outted the relationship. He was pissed and so he used childish actions", I explained.

"Wow that's crazy", he said pretty much speechless.

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