I stood in the ridiculously long Walmart line. I skimmed through the tabloids to waste time. One specific one caught my eye.  Michael was on the cover and he was  and he was walking around with some female. I picked up the magazine and purchased it along with the rest of my stuff.

When I got back home I gave Rio the ok to watch cartoons in the living room. I went upstairs into my bedroom. Michael was in the shower and I waited on the bed considering what to say about this magazine article.

I couldn't help but open it up and read the article. It detailed how they were in Chicago back when Michael had went back to handle some stuff for Creed 2. I remember this day. I had called Michael and he told me he would be relaxing in his room.

"Baby you home yet", Michael shouted has he walked out the bathroom.

"I'm right here", I said.

"Hey baby you just get back", he asked.

"Yea hey babe I want to ask you about this", I asked as I sat the magazine down at the foot of the bed.

He picked up the magazine and opened it up to the page.

"You told me you'd be relaxing in your room that day. You're a terrible liar", I said.

"Baby I'm going to be completely honest with you. That is Elena Hudson. That ring on your finger is the one she designed for you. they published this magazine months ago", he said showing me the date.

I stared at him debating whether or not to forgive him. If he was telling the truth or not.

"Fine. I forgive you", I smiled.

"Good I can't have you mad at me", he smiled leaning in for a kiss.

"No no no I have to get ready. it's already seven and I have a night out planned with the girls remember", I laughed.

"I think its good you're getting out. You haven't gone out in three months. You shouldn't be in the house all the time", Michael said.

"Fine but Rio is still sick so make sure you check on her every hour", I noted.

"Yea yea yea now go get dressed sexy momma", he said slapping my ass.

I grabbed my towel and took a quick shower. I curled my hair and got dressed. The girls texted saying they were on their way. I have to check on Rio before I leave.

Before going into her room I heated up some of my macaroni and cheese she loves.

"Baby", I whispered as I entered her room.

"Mommy, I feel bad", she groaned.

"I know sweetie. I have some medicine for you. But you have to eat something first. I brought you some macaroni and cheese", I said rubbing her tummy.

"Thank you", she said.

I felt her head she was pretty warm.

"I'm going out but Michael is still here. He's going to bring you some water ok. Your cellphone is in the drawer so If you need me you can call me", I said.

"Ok mommy. Love you", she said.

"I love you your peanut", I said kissing her forehead.

I headed downstairs and saw the Lisa and Jess standing by the door with Michael.

"Ok baby i'm leaving. Rio's forehead is pretty warm so check on her. I need you to bring her some water right now for her to take with the medicine. And I love you", I smiled.

"Ok gimme some love baby", He smiled.

I gave him a kiss that was interrupted by Lisa.

"We gotta go the Uber is here", she clapped.

We headed outside cheering and chanting. We got in the car and headed to the first bar.

"Shots", Jess shouted as we walked through the doors.


"Baby can you hear me", Michael said into the phone.

"Hold on babe lemme get to the bathroom I can barley hear you over this music", I shouted.

The girls and I went into the bathroom and I tried to talk to Michael.

"Baby you gotta come to the hospital. Rio's temperature hit 103", he said in a panic.

"I'm on my way. Are you there now what are they saying", I asked.

"They haven't said anything yet but since I'm not her legal guardian I get restricted access. Once they get her in a room I can't even go in", He said pannicing hard.

"I'm on my way", I said.

"Our Uber is outside lets go", Lisa said.

We got in the Uber and headed to the hospital. I was feeling mixed emotions. I'm so ready to go into the hospital and let them have it. Mainly I worried for my baby. We arrived and I rushed in.

"I wanna speak to someone in charge", I shouted at the nurse.

"Give me one second", the nurse shaked.

"Hello I'm Dr. Allen", said some man.

"I am just so pissed off that my fiancé isn't allowed into my daughters room. He is listed as an emergency contact so there is no way in hell he shouldn't be allowed in. From this point on to the time that she is here I want him to have full access. Now please point me to Rio ", I shouted.

"My apologies ma'am I'll make sure he has full access. Follow me please", Dr. Allen said.

He took me back to Rio's room. Michael stood outside pacing back and fourth.

"Baby", I breathed.

"Jaz they said she was fine but won't let me in to see her", he said.

"Baby I handled that. I need to see her", I said.

We went inside and Rio laid in bed sleeping soundly. She had an IV.  As a mother this is one of the worst things you could ever see.

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