This was the fourth time this week I've snuck Michael in. He's here now, but we didn't have sex. He's just laying in bed with me. It's been so great. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It's getting serious between us. I have one ninety something days until we decide if we are serious or not. Since she's been here we've only went out to dinner twice.

"So I have a question if you're ready to answer", Michael stated.

"Well go ahead", I said.

"Tell me about your ex-husband and why you divorced", he asked.

"Well basically we met in college. We got married in our last year, and got pregnant the year after. We divorced after I found him cheating on me with his boss", I said.

"Damn. Do you miss him", he asked.

"Not really. If you cheat on me there's no coming back. So remember that", I laughed.

"Why would I ever cheat on you. Most perfect women in the world", he said kissing me.

"What about you. Never married. Living with your parents", I asked.

"Well first of all they live with me. It's my house. And no I've never married. I haven't found a women ready or perfect enough to marry", he explained.

"Ooohh maybe it's me", I winked with a giggle.

"I hope so", he winked.

His comment took me off guard. I wasn't expecting it.

"So let's talk about life goals", I said.

"Cool you start baby", he nodded.

"Do you want kids", I asked.

"Yes. I'd want about three or four. Where do you see yourself in twenty years", he asked.

"I see myself relaxing at home with my husband and kids on a family night. How long do you think is appropriate before asking someone to marry you", I asked.

"Well if I'm asking anyone who isn't you probably four years. For you three years or as long as you need. Do you think we're getting serious", he asked.

I was quiet for a while. Not sure what to say but when I looked at him the answer was clear.

"Yes", I smiled.

I leaned in to kiss him, but there was a knock at the door.

"Mommy", Rio said.

"Hold on sweetie", I said.

"Where do I go", Michael whispered picking up his clothes.

"Closet", I whispered back.

He scrambled into the closet while I put my robe on. I went to the door and opened it up.

"What's wrong baby", I asked.

"Can I have something for my tummy", she asked.

"Yea you can what's wrong munchkin", I walked as I picked her up.

"My tummy hurts really bad I don't feel good", she groaned.

"Ok I'll give you a tum. I'll place a garbage can by your bed in case you get sick", I said.

I placed her in the counter and looked into the cabinet for the tums.

"Eat the banana next to you. Remember you are never supposed to take medicine on an empty stomach", I explained.

Once she'd finished eating it I handed her the tum and picked her up. I carried her up to bed and placed her there. I grabbed the trash can and put it next to the bed.

"Ok baby goodnight love you", he whispered.

"Love you too", she said.

I hurried back to my room jumped into bed.

"Can I come out", Michael whispered.

"Yes come out", I laughed.

He dropped his clothes and hopped into bed.

"Close one huh", he laughed.

"Yes", I smiled.

We talked for a while longer then he had to go. It was just a few hours until sun up.

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