My eyes fluttered open and I had no clue where I was. I sat up and immediately grabbed my head in aching pain. I couldn't hold in my groan.

"Don't worry beautiful I have the Advil and orange juice", I heard.

Michael handed me the pill and juice and I immediately took it down.

"How are you feeling", he asked.

"Hungover. What happened how did I get here", I asked.

"Well you drunk called me last night, and it so happened that I was in the same bar. We hung out with my friends for a while. When I tried to take you home you didn't have your keys so I brought you here", he  explained.

"Oh wow. Did we have sex", I laughed.

"No but we did take a bath. I learned about your divorce and your beautiful daughter", he said.

"Oh wow", I laughed, "well I'm just gonna order an Uber and head home".

"Don't sweat it baby let's go get breakfast", he suggested.

"Are you sure", I asked.

"Yea let's go to Republique it's not far from here", he said.

"Ok do you have something I can wear. Or if not I can just put my dress back on", I asked.

"Do you mind wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt", he asked.

"Sounds perfect", I smiled.

I started to undress while Michael grabbed the clothes.

"Oh you can keep the underwear baby. I know you don't remember the night but we had a great time", he laughed.

"Fine", I smiled.

We got dressed then headed out. As soon as I stepped out the door the sun hit me.

"Oh fuck", I groaned.

"Here use these", he said handing me his sunglasses.

"Life saver", I laughed.

We headed to the restaurant and got seated right away.

"So what your work schedule", he asked.

"I work all week except Saturday and Sunday. Why do you ask", I wondered.

"Well I definitely want to take you out again", he smiled.

"Hmmm maybe", I said.

"Why maybe", he asked.

"Well the complications", I started.

"What complications because I'm beyond sure we can get over them", he said grabbing my hand.

"Well first my Rio. She's only six I don't want her in the media and her parents just split up. She confused and lost", I explained.

"Well we would take things slow. I don't have to meet her right away. I mean it's only the middle of July and she comes home next month. When she's here we can work it out", he explained.

"Ok well you're a famous movie star. You travel a lot", I said.

"You're right I am famous and I do travel but I'm mostly here. In the summer if Rio isn't here we can go together if work allows you", he explained.

I was silent. This sounds like a good plan. I mean I'm not ready for Rio to meet him yet. I really want to take things slow. My biggest concern is Rio.

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