"Come on honey we have to go to registration", I said trying to wake Rio.

"Mommy just go without me", she cried.

"No no no you have to get your ID picture", I said.

"Ugh why is life so hard", she groaned.

"You have no idea honey", I giggled.

I went into my room and got dressed. Today is registration day for her. She starts school in two days.

"Come on maybe we can see I movie", I said standing in the door way.

"Ok I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming", she yelled.

Once we arrived I parked and we went in. She stayed close. I can tell she's nervous. Why wouldn't she be. She just moved here all the way from Kansas. Even though she's six it can still effect her.

"Hi this is my daughter Rio Scott", I said.

"Nice to meet you. Looks like Miss Rio is in first grade. Her teacher's name is Mrs. James. Here is the folder containing everything she needs. If you have any questions you can step over to the booth across from the library", said the booth lady.

"Thank you so much", I smiled, "lets go meet your teacher honey".

We headed back to the room. We snuck into the meeting and listened in on the speech she was giving. I gave Rio my phone so she could pay a game while I listened.

"So in conclusion I'm here to teach your children with understanding, love, and nurture", she explained.

"Mommy", Rio whispered.

"Yes baby", I asked.

"Who's Michael", she whispered.

I looked at her wondering why she was mentioning his name. I grabbed my phone. Michael had texted me asking when we could see each other again.

"Oh that's mommy's friend don't worry", I said swiping the message away.

Once we were done in the classroom she got her ID picture taken. She was pretty thrilled about it. Finally we were done with the registration stuff. We headed to the movies. Of course stopping at the store to get stuff to stuff in my purse. She wanted to see Hotel Transylvania three.

"Did you brush your teeth monkey", I said tickling her.

"Yes Mommy", she giggled.

"Wonderful let's read", I said.

I climbed into bed with her and she handed me the book. I opened up the the first page and started reading. Eventually she was asleep. I slipped out of bed and went and got ready for bed.

Once I was in bed I called Michael.

"Hey baby", he said cheerfully.

"Hi Michael", I smiled.

"How was registration", he asked.

"It was perfect. Her favorite part was her ID picture. She yells out how fabulous she looks", I giggled.

"She's so funny", he laughed.

"Oh you haven't even met her yet", I said.

"No but I want to. I'm just waiting for the go", he said.

"I tell you what. It's September now. If we are serious by Christmas then you can spend New Years Eve with us. Really it'll be Christmas again because she spends Christmas with her father", I explained.

"Baby I was just kidding. I'll meet her when you ready", he said.

"I'm serious. If we are serious by that time then I have no problem with you meeting her", I said.

"Sounds perfect", he said.

We talked for a little while longer then went to sleep.

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