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The Ellen show happened a month ago. Jason still hasn't reached out. This makes me even more angry. Not even pointing out that in Rio will be on a plane to spend them summer with him in just two weeks. I'm trying to move on from that and focus on what Michael, Rio, and I have going on.

"Baby I'm so excited to start moving come on let's get up", I cheered.

"Alright alright alright is the truck here", he asked.

"Yes they just got here", I giggled.

"Let's get moving", he said.

Michael and I found the perfect house. We had to wait until May first to get to move in.  That day is today. This a beautiful two story house in a gated community. I hope it's as safe as the reviews said. We checked out the neighborhood hood in person and it's perfect.

"Rio baby get up and get dressed", I knocked just before I entered.

"Mommy I've been up and dressed for so long. I'm so excited", she shouted.

"Mommy is too. Yay", we shouted jumping around.

We heard Michael shush us from down the hall. We just giggled.

We were at the house. All we had to do is place out stuff. The old owners let us come in and paint two days ago. I headed out to the truck and as I walked down the driveway I saw Rio talking to a strange lady.

"Hey. What the hell are you doing talking to me kid. Rio go in the house. Tell Michael to come here", I yelled running up to them.

"Calm down miss I'm just delivering Some court papers", she said.

She handed me the paper and walked back to her car and drove away.

"Baby what's going on", Michael said walking towards me.

"I just got some court papers. That lady was just standing here talking to Rio", I explained.

"Open it up and see what it says", he suggested.

I opened up the letters and read the court documents.

"Jason is signing away his parental rights", I said.

"Well is he going to pay child support", Michael asked.

"I don't know I have to call the lawyer", I said.

"Go ahead baby I'll watch her and keep moving the stuff", Michael said rubbing my back.

I grabbed my keys and say in the car.

"Hi Lisa Kelly's  law firm", Lisa said.

"Hi this is Jasmine Jackson I have some new information", I said.

I explained to her what the papers said. She explained to me that it was entirely up to me to decide if I want him to pay child support. I told her I'd think on it and let her know. I headed back out to start unpack while they kept moving stuff in. We had our new beds delivered, cable/internet, and some new furniture.

We put Rio to bed once her bedtime hit. I poured some wine and we sat on the couch talking.

"So what's happening with the Jason situation", Michael asked.

"Well basically he felt some type of way after the Ellen show. He said how he's been getting a lot of hate and blah blah blah. So he's signed away his rights. All I have to do is decide what to tell her when she ask and decide if I'm going to put him on child support", I explained.

"Wow that's crazy. But I mean what do you expect your child to say when you don't come around and barely talk to her", Michael said.

"Well what do you think I should do about the child support thing", I asked.

"I think you should do it. Money can't make up for emotion trauma but later on down the road that money might come in handy. You know I have money. I got whatever you and Rio need anything and I'm there. I just think it'd be smart", he said.

"You have good thinking", I smiled.

"I'm glad you think so", he laughed.

"I'm going to send the email in he morning. Let's get to sleep. I'm tired", I said.

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