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Michael and I had this whole plan to not get the paparazzi to find us. He is going to have a car drive him to set. However he's not really in the car. While the car takes 'him' to set Michael is really going to be in his actual car headed to my parents house.

"Baby what's his name", my father asked.

"Dad I'm not telling you his name but I'll tell you something you something else", I smirked.

"What is it", he asked.

"He was in a marvel movie", I laughed.

"Oh my goodness you're dating captain America", he asked.

"No dad he's black", laughed.

"Is it Chadwick Boseman" he said practically jumping for joy.

Before I could respond there was a knock at the door.

"You're about to find out", I smiled nervously.

My parents stood behind me with smiles on their faces. I opened the door and saw my boyfriend standing y'all and handsome.

"Hey baby", he said leaning into my hug.

"Hi honey come in", I smiled, "Mom and Dad this is my boyfriend Michael", I smiled.

Their facial expressions were shocked. I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"You're kidding right", my mother laughed.

"No I'm not. I'm dating Michael", I smiled.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jackson nice to meet you", Michael said holding out his hand.

"Michael so nice to meet you. Come on in and take your shoes off. Let's eat", my father smiled.

We went inside and washed up for dinner. My mother and I set the table while Michael and my dad chatted about superhero stuff. If you don't know my father is a huge marvel fan.

"So where did you two meet", my mom asked.

"We met on a plane", I said.

"Have you met Rio yet", my dad asked.

"No sir I'm being respectful of Jasmines timeline. She feels it's to soon for me to meet her and that we should make the transition carefully. So we will wait and do it when the time is right", Michael explained.

"That's a smart plan. You shouldn't just jump right into it and all that. She's still new to the idea of divorce", my mom said.

We kept eating and eventually Michael and my father moved to the couch. I was told they'd be talking about sports.

I had some wine with my mother since I knew Michael was my designated driver.

"So what do you think", I asked my mom.

"Baby I think you have a good one. You gotta be careful with him though. You know he's pretty famous", she said.

"I know. We taking it really slow trust me",  I assured her.

I looked at my watch it was getting late and I was ready to head home. Rio's hand a play date after school so that's where she's been. I picked her and her friend up and now her friend is going to drop her off.

"Alright mom we better be getting out of here", I said.

"Alright baby let me just go get these shoes you left here", she said.

My mom headed upstairs and I peaked into the living room and eased dropped. 

"So Michael for the questions that a father always ask the boyfriend... what are your intentions with my daughter", my father asked seriously.

"Well sir If things keep going the way they are then I intend to marry her. Of course if the chemistry is right with Rio. Your daughter and I are getting serious. I really have deep feelings for her so I'd definitely be interested in spending my life with her. I know she just got divorced so I can wait. Waiting only helps us decide if this is really the right thing to do", Michael explained.

"Son you can call me Samuel", my father smiled.

"Thank you sir I really hope things go well between your daughter, granddaughter, and I", Michael said.

"Son you have my blessings", my dad laughed.

"You coming in", I asked.

"Depends on where Rio is", he asked.

"Let me call", I said.

I called Kathy and she asked if Rio wanted to stay the night. It's Friday night why not. Rio was excited when I asked her if she wanted to.

"Well Rio is going to stay at her friends house. We have he while house to ourselves", I winked.

"Interesting", he smiled rubbing his hands together evilly.

"Let's go inside", I smirked evilly.

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