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"Yes I'm in the parking lot now about to get her", Michael said.

"Ok baby well I'll see you when you get here. If you don't mind can you pick me up a milkshake", I asked.

"Of course baby I'll see you soon", he said.

I hung up and headed into the kitchen to make Rio's after dance class snack. There was a knock at the door.

"Coming", I shouted as I walked to the door, "who is it".

"Jason", the voice said.

I opened the door and sure enough it was my cheating ex-husband.

"Why are you showing up at my house", I asked with so much attitude.

"I'm here to see my daughter", he smiled.

"But that doesn't give you the right to just show up unannounced", I scoffed.

"Where's my kid", he ignored me.

"She's at dance class", I said.

"Well shouldn't you be picking her up it's three", he said checking his watch.

"My boyfriend is picking her up", I said.

"Boyfriend. I didn't approve of a boyfriend. Why is he picking her up", he asked.

"My meeting ran late and I wouldn't make it on time. So I had him pick her up", I said.

"Why wasn't I told about this new guy", he asked.

"Because shitty fathers don't get information", I remarked.

"I'm not a shitty father I send money", he fired back.

"Don't you think real fathers show up for their children. Like maybe take their children on the holidays like the custody agreements state. You make up shitty ass fake thins you have to do. "Oh something came up I have to do this". You're a shitty person", he yelled.

The door opened. Rio came running in.

"Daddy daddy daddy I missed you", she yelled jumping into his arms.

Michael came inside and immediately saw my face. I am pissed the fuck off.

"What's going on baby", he asked pulling me close.

"Rio go play in your play room. Your snack is on the counter take it with you please", I said.

"Ok", she said hopping down.

Rio grabbed her snacks and headed out the room. Michael and I sat down on the couch and I explain to him all that was said.

"Well I have no place to say anything but I'll sit here and make sure nothing goes to far south", Michael said.

"I feel like you're a shitty father who secretly regrets have a child", I said.

"I'm not a shitty father", he said.

"Sure sounds like you regret having a child", I repeated.

He was quiet.

"You need to leave", Michael said standing up.

Jason looked at me for a response but I avoided eye contact. He got up and left.

"That was fucking ridiculous. I can't believe that he regrets having her", I said.

"I know baby that was crazy", he said hugging me.

"I think I need some booze but that not a smart decision. Maybe I'll take Rio and we can get our nails done. I'll talk to her today and then on your next day off you can get ice cream with her. Talk to her", I suggested.

"That's Fine baby I'll be here. Maybe I'll make dinner", he suggested.

"Sounds perfect thank you baby you're the best", I smiled.

"I know", he grinned.

Rio and I headed to the nail shop. I didn't even know where to start this conversation.

"So how do you feel about your daddy being busy on Christmas", I asked.

"Well I was sad. I was happy to see him but then he was busy", he said.

"Do you love you daddy", I asked.

"Yea but it's going away", he said.

"What does that mean hunny", I asked.

"Well I don't never see him anymore", she said.

"I'm sorry baby that's not what should happen", I explained.

"It's ok I have Michael", she smiled.

"Do you like Michael", I asked.

"Yes it's like he's my new daddy. He takes care of me. He buys me stuff and picks me up from school. And he makes you happy", she said still smiling.

"Baby that makes mommy so happy. You know mommy only wants you happy", I cried.

"I know mommy I love you", she said.

"I love you too baby", I smiled.

We continued to get our nails done then headed home. She was so excited to show Michael her cute flowers the nail tech put on her finger. We all ate then laid in bed.

"So how did it go", Michael asked.

"Well basically she said that she loves Jason but her love for him is fading away because he's never around", I said.

"Damn that's fucked up", Michael said.

"What she said after warmed my heart. She said that she loves you and it's like you're her new daddy. You're actually here for her so she feels the love", I said.

Michael was speechless with a smile on his face.

"Baby", I smiled.

"Baby I love her. She's like the child I don't have. I just love her so much", he said.

"Baby we've only been together for eight months. We've conquered so much and I love you so much. We are moving so very fast but I'm not scared at all. Not one bit", I smiled.

"Baby your my soulmate", I smiled kissing me.

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