"Mommy", Rio cried out.

I rushed from the couch to her side.

"Momma is right here baby what wrong", I asked her.

"I don't feel good", she coughed.

"Ok sweetie I'm right here", I said.

I climbed into the bed with her and laid down with her. I held her in my arms trying to comfort her. Michael laid up in the little chair in the corner. He was sound asleep but he looked so tense. I closed my eyes and relaxed a but.


"Baby wake up", Michael said tapping my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and Michael stood there with a doctor. I got up slowly and before walking away I made sure Rio stayed sleep.

"So we ran some test yesterday. turns out Ms. Rio has pneumonia. We want to keep her over night tonight but she can go home tomorrow", the doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor", I said.

"Ma'am can I ask how you're feeling. You look sort of pale and green", He asked.

"Yes I feel fine", I said.

"Baby go get checked out I'll watch her", Michael said.

"Michael I feel fine", I assured.

"Jaz please just go I'll watch her and call you when if anything happens. Please I'm sure it'll be quick", he breathed.

"Fine", I said.

"Follow me please", said the doctor.

I followed the doctor to an exam room. I hopped onto the exam chair and he came to take my temperature.

"Your temp is at 100 degrees. How do you feel", He asked.

"I have a headache and I feel nauseous", I said.

"Well I noticed you were in Ms. Rio's bed so it's quite possible you caught her pneumonia bug too", He said.

"Ok well can you give me some antibiotics and we can keep moving", I asked.

"Yes we can but it's only going to get worse. If you truly have what she has then probably will end up in a hospital bed just like her", He explained.

"So what are you suggesting", I asked.

"Why don't we just put you in a hospital bed too. We can put you two in a shared room so you can still be with her", He said.

"Let me talk to my fiancé", I said.

"Ok Well I will talk to the nurse and you can let her know what you decide", He said

"Ok", I said getting off the chair.

I headed back to Rio's room. She was still sound.

"Michael come here please", I said.

"What's up", he asked.

"Well the doctor thinks I might be catching her bug. My temp is 100 degrees so he thinks maybe I should just get in a hospital bed and wait and see. What do you think", I repeated.

"I think we should just wait because he didn't even test your blood or anything so he's just guessing. No use in wasting money on two hospital bed if we really only needed one", Michael said.

"That's what I thought too babe. Any changes with Rio", I asked.

"She woke up for a minute but fell back asleep soon after", He said.

"Ok", I breathed.

I went over and stood by her bed. I just watched her sleep soundly.

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