sleep on the floor

530 24 1

*time jump*
i'm gonna do this again,

millie's pov

it's been a few weeks already, and i'm feeling a lot better.

today is actually the day i leave.
my doctor tried getting me to a psychologist, but i really didn't want to.

i went to one after my parents died, and it didn't help me.
it just made me more sad.

this morning finn went over to my house and grabbed some clothes for me. i changed into black joggers, and a light forest green short sleeve crop top.

i still have to leave the bandage on around my arms, but winona said to not wear long sleeves for about two months until they heal.

school is going to suck.

winona had to clean my cuts a lot. i wouldn't say i've gotten used to it, but i've been able to tolerate it a little more.

after i said goodbye to winona, finn checked me out of the hospital. we were walking in the parking lot to his car when i stopped.

"what? what's wrong?" he asks.
"what day is it today?"

he looks down at his phone.

"uh it's april 19th, why?" he asks curiously.

"finn, it's my birthday."

(ik that's not her birthday it just fit in the story better)

he looks at me wide eyed. i start to laugh.

"i'm eighteen!!" i scream.

he picks me up from my waist and twirls around, kissing me.

"happy birthday. i love you." he whispers in my ear, making the hairs on my neck stand up.

finns birthday already passed in january, but we weren't on the best terms.
we're both eighteen.

we jumped into his car, driving away.

(you can play the song now)

a song i've never heard came on the radio, and i rolled down the windows and turned up the volume.

in finns car, there's a window at the top of the car. i opened it, and unbuckled, sitting on my knees on the console that separated the drivers seat and the passenger seat, peaking my upper body out of the roof.

finn looks up and me in confusion and i just smile. we're on the highway, going 65.

i raise my hands up and let the wind run through my fingers. it hits my face and my hair, and it's the most relaxed i've ever felt.

finn looked up at me again, with a goofy smile plastered on his face. i laugh again, and yell
"i love you."

"i love you too." he screams back.

i sit there and rest my crossed arms on the roof of the car, resting my chin on them.

i look out, and see the passing cars and the beautiful sunlight.

at this very moment, the pain i always feel melts into the air, and every worry, regret, you name it, doesn't matter anymore.

all that matters is finn.

and how much i love him.

i love him so much.

oh finn, how you've changed me.

this was a short chapter but i love it.

and yes, that was a pobaw reference in the car.

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