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"So you have a brother named Jonathan, he's 18 and he's never worked...correct?" Yoongi asks. You swallow thickly.

You absolutely despised lying whether it were to a kidnapper or not, you could not bring anyone else into this hell.

"Yes" You say. He nods, standing straight up again. "So Y/n, lemme ask you another question. Why do you think your here?" Yoongi asks.

"I don't know, I did nothing wrong, you kinda just you know...took me" you stare blankly.

Yoongi pauses, shrugging. "Touchè".
The male bends down close to you, admiring your features. Slowly, a hand lurks towards your face.

You jerk away. "I don't know you, get your hand off me". You blink rapidly.

Whoops, instincts.

The male balls up his fists, staring daggers into you. There in that moment, you'd lost all hope.

It took ya this long 🙄

"Listen closely bitch, I'm surprised i've been this fucking patient with your agonizing personality for this long. You've got quite an obnoxious mouth on you, you know that?! I'm trying to keep you calm before you go absolutely bat shit. So I suggest you zip it before that attitude of yours determines your dreaded future" He snarls through clanched teeth.

You nod abruptly.

His face softens, a light smile forming on his thinned lips.
Good, kitten" He whispers, stroking your hair in a soothing way.

You had to control your anger or else you'd end up some sort of worn down slave. You gave yourself mental reminders that might help being in this place get a bit easier.

Yoongi quit stroking your hair and sighed. "Any questions?" He asks.

You think for a second.
Lightening the mood could be a dumb but nice option.

He was a bit too close to you, in your personal space, hopefully this would cause him to lighten up.

"When is dinner?" You ask. He chuckles, his arms crossing at his chest. "6:30, it's 2:07" The man replies.

You stare at him without an expression before having yet another question cross your mind.


Yoongi quirks an eyebrow towards you.
"What shall I title you all as?".

He chuckles once again.

"Well, we usually just use our names but I guess you could use sir, Taehyung would love to be called that, he likes for people to know he's superior"
Yoongi mumbles.

You nod once more


It had felt like hours since Yoongi had left the room. You were heavily worn, your eyes getting heavy.

Sweat trickled down the side of your forehead, the bead rushing towards your cracked lips and then down to your chin.

You huff and shuffle in the seat. You were frustratingly uncomfortable and you just wanted to get a moment out of that despised chair.

Suddenly, the rusty door swung open, revealing one of the 7 males. Namjoon was it?

Your eyes light up at the sight, a sigh of relief emitting from your lips.

He kneeled down next to your chair amd stared into your eyes. You shift away slightly, not very comfortable within the situation.

"How are you doing?" He asks in a raspful, yet smooth voice. You open your mouth but cut off the awaited scoff that was about to be released.

"I'm doing alright" Your voice cracked. He smiles and nods. "Good. I came in here to get you for dinner".

Ah. It had been hours since Yoongi had left. It was already 6:30.

Namjoon unties you from the chair and guides you to the kitchen where everyone was seated.

They all stare at you and watch as Namjoon makes you sit in an empty seat.

Every one of the men had a cold hard look on their faces, causing you to feel 10 times more uneasy.

Namjoon looks at Taehyung and bows before sitting down at the other side of the table.

Everyone was silent before Taehyung began to speak. "Jin." He rasps. Jin's head whips to Taehyung and automatically spits out a "yes boss".

"Feed her" He orders. Jin nods and rushes over to you. He dips a spoon into a sludge looking soup and holds it up to your mouth.

You were hesitant at first but nonetheless obeyed and opened your mouth.

Jin slips the spoon inside your mouth, forcing yourself to swallow the bitter tasting substance.

You attempt to bite back a gag as he holds yet another spoonful of sin before your mouth.

"Jin, don't feed her just that, let her have a variety" Yoongi whispers. That was the best thing you had heard all day.

You begin to nod in agreement however stop yourself, considering Taehyung had a piercing gaze on you.

You felt your skin crawl slightly. The feeling of someone watching your every move made you anxious.

Jin gave you a slice of bread which you happily bit into it. It was awfully stale but you didn't abide, your taste buds were finally getting something decent.

Dinner had gone by rather quickly which was shameful. You were now back in the dreaded, rusty room that now had an odd musk to it.
Or maybe you just hadn't noticed it until now.

This time, Jimin was guarding the room, his figure flawless but his height small.

"How was dinner, pet?" He asks. You were shocked to say the least. Your eyes widened at him a tad, tilting your head slightly.


He had been picking his nails with a knife before flipping it in between his fingers and tucking it away.

"How was dinner?" He asks, dropping the name this time.

"It was nice..."

You clear your throat, perking up a bit.
"Did you like it?" You ask. He looks at you with a surprised expression.

Ya'll really out here underestimating me-

He then smiles. "It could have been better if you were on the menu" He says lowly.

Your eyes widen. "Now Jimin, we both know that i'm not food" You chuckle, slight anxiety lying beneath your tone.

He chuckles deep inside his throat as he slowly makes it toward you. "Woah woah! I-im not one of your victoms that you have to use your looks on, you already kidnapped me, haha" you shift in your seat.

"I was just playing, sunshine" He hums, his mood completely changing around. The males posture fixates, walking closer to the door once again.

"O-oh haha!" You nervously laugh a little too hard.
"Phew! You got me Jimin! Hahaha" you snort.

The male gives you a puzzled look before rolling his eyes.

Ahh~ this was not going to be easy

The Psycho Mafia Boss [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now