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"Y/n, wake up" You hear, your eyes shooting open. Your vision had been slightly blurred beforehand but soon became more obscure once blinking.

It was Taehyung.

"I'm here to finally straighten things out as to of why you're here"

You stare blankly, waiting for him to proceed.

The male clears his throat before announcing one of the most worrisome statement ever. "Your brother hui"

You feel yourself freeze entirely, a gasp stuck inside your throat. You force yourself to swallow before opening your mouth to speak.

"His name is Jonathan..." You whisper. "You can stop with that foolish fibbing act of yours. I'm not lacking in intelligence, Y/n. Your brother worked for us, hate to break it to you." he spits, giving you a glare.

Your eyebrow knot together in confusion. "He what?...n-no! Hui?!" You choke out, tears brimming at your eyes.

Taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes as he grabs his phone out of his pant pocket.
He then shoves his phone in your face.

The screen displayed a disturbing video of your brother, Hui, threatening someone at gun point.

You stare blankly at the device. A small tear rolls down your heavily reddened face before your eyes avert up to Taehyung.

Your breathing became uneasy and your hands balled into fists, clenching them together.

"What is this?! Some kind of sick joke? There's no way in hell that's my brother and you can't and wont do anything to prove it!" You spit between gritted teeth.

Thoughts flew throughout your mind, warm tears pouring from your eyes. Your heart ached as it pounded ferociously against your chest and your body shook with immense anger and saddness.

Taehyungs eyes pierce through you. His hand arises from his side and before you knew it, a stinging pain taunted your left cheek.

Your mouth was left agape, all your words caught inside your mind with nothing to be said aloud.

You almost wanted to laugh at how much your were in disbelief. You felt betrayed and abandoned almost.

Taehyung bends down to you, his breath hitting your neck.

"Your brother quit on us. He was the best thing we had but then suddenly things began to change. Hui started to come in late, sometimes, not even show up at all. And then one day, he fucking left us behind and chose your disgrace of a family over us. I want answers from you or the knife digs itself into your neck"

The male grabs a switchblade from his back pocket, planting it underneath your chin. 

You gulp as sweat coated at your forehead, your body still shaking. Your eyes then darted down to the pointed metal conjoined to your neck.

"Do you know why your brother left us, Y/n?" Taehyung asks. You shake your head feeling slightly dizzy and the sudden need to faint.

"Are you sure?" The boy asks putting a light pressure to the knife. You nod in the very slightest so the sharp kitchen utensil wouldn't dig into your skin.

"Do you know why your brother decided to choose family over us?" Taehyung asks glaring. "N-no. I didnt have any idea he was in your gang. He always said that he was at work or at his girlfriend's house" You reply with shaky breaths in between.

The male takes the knife off your neck and stares at you. You take a breath of releife. "He was never suspecious either. He would always say it so casual, never even a tinge of darkness in his bright eyes. He never once said anything about you all." You finish, biting back your cries.

Tae tilts his head to the side. "Do you know where he is?" He asks.

There was no way out of this. Not one single way.

There was only one choice that you could make to save your brother and it could kill you and save you at the same time.
-outside of your room door-

"I hope he isn't putting her into to much pressure" Hoseok says. "It's Kim Taehyung, he's definatly going to put at least some pressure" Namjoon scoffs.

"Yeah...but I just....I don't know" Hoseok sighs. Hoseok was always the one that had a soft spot.

He looks over at Yoongi who was leaning against your door, listening.

"How is she doing?" Jimin asks, walking in. Yoongi looks to the boys whom were staring right back at him.

He then shakes his head. "She's crying pretty badly. I can hear how uneven her breathing is and how her voice breaks everytime she speaks up" Yoongi replies.

"Happens everytime..." Jin says and shakes his head. They didnt typically keep their 'victims' for this long. They were usually...disposed.

But there was something different about you. (A/n: man, imma cliche)

"Y/n's strong, she'll do the right thing..." Yoongi says and leans away from the door, getting odd looks from the other males.

"She won't do anything stupid"
-your room-

"S-Sir" You stutter. "I want to join..."

He raises an eyebrow. "Join what, my sweet" He asks running a thumb over a remaining tear on your cheek.

Things had only slightly calmed down in the room, well with Taehyung at least.

"I want to join your gang"

The Psycho Mafia Boss [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now