6 : angie

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i slowly walk towards the room i was told to stand outside of by zoe.
Zoe heard kai practicing a song and she wants me to hear it, but kai cannot see me, he's really shy anyway and that's probably why he didn't tell me.

"kai, are you ready?" i hear a loud voice dominate the room.
"how about no, sir?" my boyfriend giggles and i can just picture that chubby cheeked smile.
"good luck dude! you can do it!"

he starts to play the guitar and i step closer to the door, trying to get every last note from the strings to my ears.
"have you.. ever had those days? where you... don't know how to say how you feel once again it's a mystery in your.. mind..? i can...feel my heart beat racing.. little did i know i was chasing.. you from that very first day when you said.. hi. i know we've been through some shit..." i start to lower my body to sit..
is this about me..?


"hey princess!" i feel familiar arms wrap around my waist and lips pressed to my neck. i don't know what to say, all i can really think about is that song, i knew he could sing, but.. wow..
"hey there da- babyboy" i tease smiling at him innocently noticing his face already red.
"how's my favourite couple?!" jordon squeezes between us and pulls his arms around us.
"jordon, i was about to- we're great, actually."
"yaaaasss... oh! kai! i got some new tobacco it's cheaper but better so i'll post your pouch through the letter box."
we both smoke, just not as much now we're dating, i guess that's a good thing. we usually just get caught in future plans or random conversation and never get time. but, i'd rather listen to him ramble on then poison my lungs.
"okay jord, thanks" he smiles and digs his head into my neck
"babyyyyy, baby, babe, hey, baby, baby, babygirl, BABBEEEE" he carries on for a few minutes till i kiss him to shut him up.
"i love you" he says pulling away with a smile of glee
"i love you too." i reply back.
"kai, the dinner has been moved to tonight, do you still have that suit from last dinner? oh, angie, if you need a dress-"
i jump in quickly "it's okay, i have a dress i've been saving for my first actual date with kai, i'll wear that" i smile
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ACTUAL DATE" he goes all sulky. you see kai is over dramatic, in a way it just makes you laugh.
"nope, i don't, who are you?" he tries his hardest not to laugh.
"oH YOU WANT ME TO SHOW YOU WHO I AM?!" i reply back, obviously laughing. i pin him to the locker and start tickling him till he gives up. but oh no.. oh god.. this cant happen.. he tickles me back and starts laughing.
"you're not winning this one!" in the back ground i see zoe and jordon laughing at us while everyone else just looks in confusion, others in awe.
"oh yes i am!" i say going for his weak spot around his neck
"nooooo.... I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!" he gets out of my grasp and runs for the damn hills. he's such a dork, he's my dork. i love him.
after looking and giggling at kai, i turn to his sister.
"did you hear it?" she asks
"i did.. is it about me?"
i start rubbing my arm out of, maybe shyness.
"i think so, that's one of the first songs i've ever actually heard from him. he writes them all the time, but never actually sings them." she explains
"they're all in this book he made to look boring and like war and peace kinda looking..? have you seen it?" i know which one she's talking about.
"he made it look like that?"
"yeah, he thought noone would bother looking through it if it looked boring."
"that actually makes a lot of sense" i smile and see kai waltzing his way back over to us.
"what cha doiinnnnn" he asks innocently
"well the bell just went so, we have to get home and get ready, im meeting the rest of your family and i really don't want to be late kai, let's goooooo" i say.

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