11 : angie

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~one year later~
"hey babe?, where's my keys?" kai asks leaning over the kitchen counter
"they're in the door baby, have you done your T shot this week?" i know he hasn't. he cant stand needles. i have to do it for him.
"dumbass" he face palms himself and sighs. his newly deep croaky voice cracking again, for the 3rd time this morning.
"come here babyboy." i pat the couch cushion next to me and he lays his head in my lap gently
"talk to me, what's wrong handsome?" i ask in almost a whisper
"i'm just.. in so stressed out.. the wedding is next week, the legal name change still hasn't come through and i'm running out of T again. i feel like i can't eat or sleep babe.." he frowns and i stroke at his hair.
"that's not all, i know it's not." i say, kissing his forehead lightly.
"i've been having nightmares more again. but i don't want to wake you up, i hate waking you up, especially after-"
"yeah stop there, i don't care if you wake me up, you know that. we're going to the doctors tomorrow and everything is paid for with the wedding."
"i know i'm just-"
"overthinking, being a dumbass, being my dumb dork?"
"basically.. can i have a kiss?" he asks with a pout
i kiss him and he pulls me into the kiss further. i pull him up and he pushes me down and giggles
"ha! i win again!"
"shut up, you're relatively more stronger" i push my hands up and fail to release myself. he's got a hecka lot stronger since he started T.
"RAWR!" he shouts biting lightly at my neck almost like a tickle.

"i guess i should come back later?" zoe steps in through the front door laughing.
"haha... sorry.. about that." kai stands up and adjusts his clothes and pulls me to his side. i love it when he does that, he told me he does it as to say
'this is mine, don't touch her.'
he's protective.

"so, lovey birds, im just here to drop off kais suit!" she walks over to the chair and sits down.
"but first of all... you haven't decided on a first dance song, so what's it gonna be?" she claps her hands together and leans forward as i turn to kai and he smiles
"well, what about.. incase you didn't know?"
"our song? you want that?" he asks with a raised eyebrow, barely visible, since his ginger roots have come through completely. his hair is getting long and he keeps complaining and saying he wants it cut but i keep putting it off, i want that hair to play with

"of course i do, it's our song baby"
i see zoe smile as she looks at us.
"angie, can i talk to you?" my heart starts to beat faster, what did i do?
"sure, baby, give us a minute? i'll do your t shot after i promise, i love you." i give him a little kiss and shoo him away to the games room, he can sit and play xbox for a bit.

i sit back on the couch and zoe sits back. it's silent for a moment.
"thank you, angie.."
i feel my body rest.
"what for zoe?" i ask, completely confused.
"well.. i've seen that boy grow up ever since my mum adopted him.. he's not had the greatest life.. in all honesty. he's never smiled that way.. ever. not till he met you.." her words are slow, and meaningful.
"no angie, i mean it, he's been with many people and no one would put up with him. would stay with him, live with him, and actually love him the way you do, im serious. thank you."
i stand up and she walks over and pulls me into a hug.
"stop being all sloppy, go get his suit, i wanna see him in it" i end my sentence with a smile and a giggle.
"i'll be right back, sis"

"come on babeeeee!"
"patience!" he shouts from the bedroom as i prompt him to hurry up, i hear a stumble.
"OW!" i shoot up and wait "i'm okay!" he says "dumbass" i shake my head and zoe laughs
"so, a year and six months basically? holy fuck"
i laugh "yep, worst time of my life" i wink
"get your ass down here then dipshit" zoe replies
he starts to walk down the stairs and i smile. he looks so manly, which he's been struggling with recently, his binder broke and his new one only came in yesterday, so he's not been in the best kind state. his hair is curly and a orangey shade of brown, the tie compliments his eyes and his muscles are starting to show. the veins in his hands and arms completely, COMPLETELY finish the look.
"WHAT?! does it look bad?! oh god am i too fat for it?!" he starts to panic and i've never seen someone go red so quick.
"no kairoden! STOP!" zoe demands and he freezes into place. she starts to walk up to him and he flinches
"you look like my big brother" she pulls him into a hug and i pull out my phone, taking a picture. i know how i can use this.
"you said my full name, and now i know what you mean by it sounds japanese....." he starts to laugh.
"so wifey to be, what do you think?"
"can i just marry you here? now?" i reply, smiling with a hint of blush.
"shut up dork." he pulls me close to him again and i dig my face into his neck, he smells so good.
"right so, i've gotta go guys, i love you both!" zoe hugs us both and leaves out the door
"let's get this off you so i can do your shot baby" i start to take off his tie as undoes his jacket and shirt. toned.
"can you find me some joggers princess?" he asks as i already start walking to the bedroom


"ready babyboy? just breathe okay?" i pierce the needle into the bottle of hormones and press onto his hip. he hates this so much. but he knows he needs it.
"i love you baby" i say calming him slightly.
"ready? squeeze!" i say as i poke the needle deep into his skin and he squeezes my other hand to ease himself, luckily, he doesn't squeeze hard because he knows it will hurt.
"all done handsome!"
i pull him up into a hug and start babying him, i know how he gets after this, he goes all cutesy.
"i love you princess, i cant wait to marry you soon" he smiles and lays down into my lap, i play with his hair and he starts to drift off, i sit and watch the tv.
after awhile of watching her random shows. an advertisement comes on.
"children need adopting.. families.. love"
"omg..." what if..
"baby wakey wakey.." i nudge him awake, i don't mean to but.
"what's wrong? are you okay?"
"baby, i need to ask you something."
he nods and sits up next to me and i hold his hand.
"would you ever.. consider.. adopting children? with me?"
"why is that even a question? of course i would! is that what you want to do? i want a boy called jason! no.. jacob! no... aaron! NO NO I GOT IT! adam!"
"i love you" i day with a smile, nothing else, just a smile. i truly do.
"i love you too"

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