12 : kai

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"hey jordon, how you been?" i ask over the phone
"kai! oh my god! how long did it take for you to call? jeez! ryan and i are amazing!" he practically shouts.
jordon got a boyfriend and they left for hong long about a month ago, because ryan is from there and jordon wanted to meet the family.
"how are you and angie? me and ryan are just renting suits for the wedding!"
"we're great, i was uh, just gonna ask you something..."
"what's that kai kai?"
"well... at some point....... me and angie are gonna disappear, i need you to distract everyone, if you get what i mean?"
"oh- YA NASTY. yeah sure dude, remember, protection."
"shut the fuck up you dipshit"
"huh?" angie walks into the room, wearing one of my hoodies and places herself on my lap
"nothing baby, just talking to jordan"
"ahah, hey jordon!" she smiles and digs her head into my chest, she's cold, freezing.
"princess go get a blanket, you're freezing, let me warm you up."
"guys i'm.. still here?" jordon steps in
"BYE JORDON" i hang up.
i smile and turn off my phone, i don't need it right now. i walk over to the bigger couch and set up some pillows.
"is jordon off the phone? can we be little and daddy now?"
"yes little lady"
"i got the blanket daddy" she giggles and goes shy in her place, covering her face with the blanket.
"good girl, come lay with me princess, looks like someone got little quickly?"
"hehe shhhh" she nuzzles herself into my chest again, and i get little butterflies, it's adorable when she gets like this. no one really suspected us being like this apart from our close friends, it's not a regular thing, it just happens and that's the best way to be.
"you're so cute baby, what do you wanna watch princess?"
"i just wanna watch you play games, hehe"
"you sure little one? you can play too, i don't mind, i'll teach you"
"okay daddy!" she jumps from my grasp and turns on the xbox one console, and grabs the two controllers.
"baby before you sit down, go put on some of my joggers, your legs look cold." she sets down the controllers on the coffee table infront of me and stands infront of me.
"okay daddy, i'll go do dat"
"good girl, i'll set up the game for us princess" i lean forward and grab the controllers before a thought comes to mind.
she walks up the stairs and i smile
"i cant believe i get to marry that masterpiece of a girl." i say to myself shaking my head and laughing.
"hmph, i get to marry you too!" she jumps on to me and i catch her in my arms
"baby, ahhhh" i play dead for a second before she attacks me with kisses
"wake up!!!!" she screams
i stick out my tongue to play dead sarcastically.
she's wearing my favourite hoodie for her to wear, it's so big because i only get XL hoodies now, it became a habit once i loved the sight of her in them. she's also wearing my nike jogging bottoms she got me awhile ago, i smile at the thoughts that swirl around my head and start to giggle.
"what is it daddy?"
"just you princess" i smile and bring her down to my chest, i feel a smile form in her lips and i kiss her head lightly.
"i love you baby"
"i love you too" she replies sitting up straddling me
"OH BABY! Your doctor called! i completely forgot to tell you!!"
"what did they say?" i grab the controllers and rest the player 2 one on my knee to set up after mine.
"they said, they said that you need to go in for your pre op on the 17th!!" she smiles and starts bouncing in her seat
"oh really baby, well that's great, thank you for telling me little one."


"no baby you have to knife them on the first round so you have enough bullets for the second, like this" i walk up to a zombie in the window and knife them and she smiles
"like this daddy?" she does the same and cheers for herself after succeeding
"just like that little one" i give her a little kiss and she leans in closer.
"hold on princess." i pause the game and pull her on top of me, kissing her passionately and lovingly. she starts to tug on my shirt and i nod leaning up enough for her to remove it.
"my turn princess, arms up!"
she giggles and lifts her arms with a smile as i remove the hoodie from her warm body carefully. i lay kisses on her neck gently as she lifts her head in pleasure.
i fiddle with her bra straps and tease my little baby. she knows i don't give in easily to playing, but today i feel generous.
"daddy stop it! me no like teasies!!" she pouts and pushes my face away from her warmth.
i grab her neck tightly and look her in the eyes
"what's was that princess?"
"n-nothing d-d-daddy.. carry on.. please" she begs as my hands slide along her soft skin.
"what do you want from daddy hm? you want this?" i slide my hand into the underwear she's wearing and kiss her neck again
"hm.. yes please daddy.. sir.. master.. whatever..." i start to pleasure her as she pleases as she grabs the back of my hair in response.
"daddy.. mmm"
"shhh, little lady, let daddy please you."
"yes daddy.." she grinds against my hand and usually is stop but she looks so beautiful. her eyes staring into mine and her lips so soft and plump. i press mine against hers and in return my back gains some scratches and my lip starts to bleed.
"someone got hungry hm? don't stop princess, you know i love it" i go faster with my touch as she lets out muffled moans and giggles. her nails press harder into my skin each time. causing skin the be caught under them.
i kiss her neck again, sucking and biting, leaving my mark along her skin.
"this is mine, and all of you belongs to me." i push her down and pull down the nike joggers revealing the lingerie we shopped for just last week.
i breathe hot air long her thighs and kiss to tease. i start to remove her underwear when she says "puppies" i jolt up and pull her into a hug.
"i'm sorry baby, what happened?" puppies is her safe word for when she doesn't want to do something. i asked her about it awhile ago.
"we've just never done, that, before, im sorry daddy, i panicked.."
"nono sweetheart it's okay that's what the safe word is for, daddy's sorry, and proud that you were brave enough to say, good girl."
"can we play the game now?" she asks with a smile.
"ofc babygirl."

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