4 : kai

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we walk back to the house at around 2:30 am, i can't stop thinking about that kiss, and the way her hands met my hair, and how our hands just connect, like it all fits perfectly together.
"hey, loser, wanna watch a movie when we get home?" she pipes up quietly as if we were in a house full of people who were asleep.
"you said that so naturally like it's our house, but sure baby" i reply with a smile
"already with the pet names, okay babyboy"
"oh shut up it felt like the right time." she nudges me off of the path and i stumble before giggling and kissing her cheek. she strokes her thumb against the top of my hand and i blush a little. then i realise, ive never held hands with someone before. this would be my first time. to some that may not be much but. wow.
with my other hand i brush back my hair and angie grunts
"whatttt?" i ask defensively
"you're not allowed to do that" she huffs and pouts at me like a little girl
"do what?"
"play with your hair"
"why not?" i again ask defensively but touch it anyway to annoy her
"because it's my job. stop it. bad." she pulls on my hand and i stop with a little laugh.
she looks so beautiful in the night. not because i can't see her, but because her eyes and her personality stands out more. there's no doubt that angie looks amazing. but that's not why i fell inlove with her.
"loser" i mutter
"what did you just call me" she pushes me against a tree with force and i look into her eyes
"that- that was unexpected"
"shut up, what did you call me"
she slams her lips against mine and i pulls my arms around her pulling her closer breaking her straight elbows so her arms come around me. i feel her breathing get fast and her heart beat quicken and i kiss back with more force. i touch the back of her neck briefly before switching us so she's against the tree. how do i feel about this? i don't know. do i want it to stop? god no. should i ask her? fuck yes.
"angie wait.." we both pull away for breath.
"i'm sorry i shouldn't have" she pleads and let's go of me
"i didn't know you had that side to you" i grab her wrist lightly
"i didn't think you did either" she blushes
"i'm full of surprises. we should get back, before the werewolves get us" i plead and walk ahead
"or is it because you want to carry on whatever just happened but not in the middle of no where" she jogs up to me, grabs my hand again and i only smile at her response. her head leans on my shoulder and we make our way back.
whatever just happened was.. wow.

we sit down quietly on her bed as i switch on her TV. as i turn around she takes her hoodie off and i look away
"babe. it's not illegal to look at me getting undressed" she giggles
"i know i know.. respect and shit."
"god you're such a dork" she pulls me towards her and kisses me again
"god i love it when you do that"
and i connect our lips again before pulling away to, myself. get undressed. i bend forwards and pull off my shirt then realise i wasn't wearing a binder. at all.
how could i forget? well i was only with angie but. how?
"oh.. wow.." angie mumbles
"huh?" i turn around and slip on a vest like thing.
"what's this..?" she goes to lift my best before looking at me for permission and i nod. when she lifts it she points towards the scar i got when i was around 7.
"don't worry baby. i'm okay now."
"what happened kai.." she looks at me upset. i sit her down on the bed and explain the car crash and she starts to cry. i slide my thumb across her cheek and wipe away the tears.
"i don't wanna see those tears beautiful. you don't deserve any pain."
she leans into my chest and realises i don't have my binder on
"is it okay if i do this? does it make you upset? i can go get your binder? a pillow?" i shake my head at her worried words
"baby. just sleep with me"
"god atleast buy me dinner first"
we giggle and she quietly falls to sleep
on my chest. i trace shapes and letters on her forearms with my finger, before i too, quietly fall asleep.

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