CHAPTER 10 ••~*

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"what!!? " I asked Bob in disbelieved.

"I'm  sorry Lizzie I know you're tired but you have to " Bob replied looking sorry.

"but why? " I asked him. I just came back here from class which is done an hour ago, and Bob called me to go in his office and he said that I'll join the witch class too, ohh god I'm exhausted.

"because many werewolf students are barging into my office and asking why are you in the wolf section and not into the witch section " Bob reasoned. I sigh and nodded.

"wow I didn't know I'm so famous to wolves that they keep asking me " I said joking, and looks like Bob didn't get it *sigh*.

"Okay fine, but what if people ask why did you put me in the wolf section, what are we going to say to them? " I asked him

"Let just say, you got in a detention so I put you in the wolf section" Bob smiled proudly at his idea. Ohh right detention for life, great.

"so I have a detention for a year?!? " I asked him.

"ohh right " he said to himself realizing his idea wasn't the best.

"so?..... " I asked him, he better have a good idea now.

"Let's see, what bad things did you did to the school now? " he asked me smiling

"well I almost killed Zian oreweins friend, the one with an orange hair " I answered.

"Okay then that will be the cause of your detention. The detention for the rest of your year " He said looking excited, really? Are you serious?

"there's no way I'm taking a detention just for that boy, it's the right thing to do, he should be happy I didn't kill him! " I said crossing my arms, I won't take the blame!!

*sighs* "Fine , then what else did you do? " he asked me.

"well I turn Allyson Keners into a frog" I said while looking at my nails.

"you did what!!? " Bob freaked out.

"I turn her into a frog " I said one more time.

"what!!? " Bob asked me shocked.

I sigh and tell him " I turn Allyson into a freaking frog! " this time I raised my voice louder, can't he hear me?.

"Okay that's it, that will be the reason" he said as he sit on his big chair.

"no way, I did that because she bullied my friend " I said to him. There's no freaking way I'm going to be in a freaking detention because i turn that freaking Slut into a freaking green frog, I did the freaking right thing to do and beside she freaking bullied my friend my only witch friend!!! Argh I'm so mad right now!

"Do you know what can her mother do to you? " he asked me.

"no " I replied.

He sigh and leaned on his chair "do you know her mother? " he asked me again.

"no" Is the only word that came from my mouth.

"her mother is Anastasya Keners, the Queen wolf's sister! " Bob said and he stand higher , what's up with Anastasya?

"what's up with Anastasya? " I asked him. And leaned down my toes so I'm higher than him

"she's coming here soon, you better apologized to her or else! " he said and sigh heavily.

His Darling Mate | Wolf series#1Where stories live. Discover now