CHAPTER 32 ••~*

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"What's up with the world and we're gonna have a surprise war!?" I heard Sofia.

"Aren't you excited about that??  I mean we're going to fight!!! Like a real battle!" Mia said happily, she's crazy....very crazy! Who wants war!?

"Shut your mouth Mia, this is no time for a joke"Sofia gave Mia a glare.

"I was just lifting the mood" she pouted.

"But who could be the enemy?" I asked curious, It's true I'm very curious who is the enemy! I have so many problems, first my wolf Zoe is not with me, second I'm so eager to find my mate! Cause I believed he's just around me and third is Zian,  and fourth is this war and fifth! It's still the first.

"I don't know, heck I don't even know what's going around!" Sofia hold her temple. Me too Sofia, me too.

"How about let's find out who's the enemy" Mia suggested but me and Sofia quickly shook our head, does she wants to die now??

"Yup, bad idea I know it's bad idea haha who wants to know anyway!? Bad Idea. " Mia just laugh at it nervously.

"More like, who wants to die" Sofia rolled her eyes, they're still fighting until now.

"Hi vampires!" We heard Victoria entered the room holding a donut?? It's 7 in the morning and her ideal to eat is donut???!

"Hey Victoria, sup?" Sofia said moving aside a little so there is a space for Victoria.

"Oh nothing,  just hanging around it's boring in the dorm,  and Lizzie left me to go here" Victoria pouted at me and I just laughed, we're here in Sofia and  Mia's dorm.

"Yay donuts!" I saw Mia simply took the box, okay thief spotted.

"Yeah, sorry for the food I was craving for something sweet,  a blood will do but It's not available in the cafeteria today so I decide for a donut instead" she said. Me and Sofiaquickly covered our neck, while Mia...  she is in her own world eating that donut, who knows when Victoria is here to suck ourblood!?

"I'm not going to eat you guys!" Victoria laugh,  her accent  sounds cool because of her fangs, it was so evident.

"Just making sure" Sofia shrugged.

"By the way,  good luck to the both of you Sofia and Mia to the training later!" Victoria smiled.

"Thank you,  you too" Sofia said.

"I can't wait to be night time Elizabeth. So we can practice already!" Victoria squealed.

"Hahaha see Elizabeth is even dress up now" she added,  I looked at my outfit, I'm wearing a black cargo pants and a black shirt with a combat shoes... I can't believe I'm really wearing this,  I look like a fallen soldier.

"Lizzie? B-but she's coming with us,  her schedule is morning" Mia raised an eyebrow while eating the donuts, her mouth is full of donuts,  ugh I'll pray for this girl.

"Oh right,  I forgot... I guess I'll take Leah instead" She said sad smile.

"Leah is still on her home" Sofia added.

"Ugh right!,  why is she there anyway. It's so unfair!" Victoria pouted, I know she's eager to go home too but her parents want them to stay here.

"Yeah why is she there anyway, I mean is that okay to the headmaster?" I asked.

"Headmaster can't do anything about it if her parents want her to go home,  but I'm really curious though,  why didn't her parents come here? Instead Leah went home by herself?" Mia hold her chin then she drink a water

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