CHAPTER 45 ••~*

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"Why is the surrounding moving??"

"You're drunk." I stated, he didn't even know that the alcohol is very high in acetaldehyde.

"Come on Eli fucking Zabeth, I'm just tipsy!" He smiled and did the okay hand gesture.

We managed to go into the fifth floor, okay I just need to get him in the first floor.

"You know, I really want to kill Zian for cheating on us." I cautiously look at him crying. Someone is dramatic.

"He cheated with a bitch who looks  like a fucking kangaroo!"He sniff.

For what I know, I should be the one crying instead of him,  because my mate just hurt me mentally and emotionally.

He sound like joking but from what I know, 'A drunk man words are a man's sober thought.'

"Oooh, how about let's play truth or dare?" He suggested like it was the best idea ever.

"Shut up Sid, I'm having a hard time with the stairs plus you're very heavy!" I hissed at him when we reach the third floor.

"Lizzie did you find your mate already??--- I mean you're darling?"

"Yeah I did." I said sadly.

"Aww you looks sad, he probably look ugly, lol right?" He chuckle.

"Shut up Sid or I won't hesitate and I'll push you in the stairs." I threatened.

"Hahaha chill Carbonara."

"Carbo-- what??"

"I'm hungry, let's eat something." He pouted.

I look at him irritated, gosh he's sleeping! Well jot technically sleeping but his eyes are closed!

"Don't fall asleep Sid, were almost there." I said when we reach the first floor, thank Goddess!!!

"Mom!" He start to whine and hug me for support.

Yup he start hugging me!! He probably want to sleep!

"Hey! Fix yourself Sid-- oh my gosh!" I gasped when he suddenly fell on the floor, good thing I catch him.

"My bed is moving, weird." He mumble.

"You're so heavy Sid!" I said.

"I am clearly *Hiccup* Not!"

"Whatever you sh--" I didn't finish my words when I suddenly heard someone growling.

I look in front of us and it's Zian and his leech.

I scoffed and raised a brow at them, "What?"

"What are you two doing?" He asked giving me chills.

"It's none of your business." I rolled my eyes, and tried to walk away but he growled again.

"What!?" I can't help but yelled at him.

I noticed how the leech also astound by my sudden yell.

"Eve take Sid." I heard him say to her.

"What? Why me? I thought we're going to your room?" She asked continuously.

Tsk, they were about to have sex behind my back,  oh great.

Zian gave her a look and she surrender and take Sid from me.

"Wahh Eliza!" He yelled and tried to ran back to me, but Zian hold him in the hem of his shirt.

His Darling Mate | Wolf series#1Where stories live. Discover now