CHAPTER 19 ••~*

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"Crave for witches to eat????" I  asked.  Unbelievable like anyone would believe that stupid story of him!?

He must be tired, yeah he must be

"You know what Zian? save your spooky story later on your bed time , you must be tired, go to sleep and chop chop" I said and headed to the stairs.

"Hey Lizard! you better litsen to me!" he shouted, but who cares??? Ignore him Elizabeth.

continue to walk to your room...


"she is very freaking annoying!" Mia shouted.

"very very" Sofia said in second demotion. Finally the two of them bothe agree on something, Seriously! they always argue about something.

You must be wondering how I  can talk with them. Let's  say throught skype,  And uhh currently talking about Anastasya

Leah sigh and looked at me "You better be home soon enough , we missed youuu!" she said

For goodness sake I didn't  even stayed here in three days and they already want me home!?

"Guys please? This place is amazing! Let me stay here for a couple of time pretty pleasssseeee?" I ask making a puppy face .

"but your birthday is coming soon!! I want you to celebrate it with us! " Mia demanded .

Thinking about it,  make me want me to cry all of the sudden , this will be my 16th birthday ...

Where i can finally find my mate ,you must be wondering but dad and mom told me that I will find my mate this time.

But... what if my mate won't accept me!? A witch? A wolf? What will he think about it? I'm screwed.  I just want to be normal but I guess you can't have all the things you want?

"Where is Kayde?" I asked putting a different topic, and Mia became uneasy i can see it .

No one answered.

"What's wrong?" I asked them

"We don't know " Sofia added.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked them, now I get very bad feelings about this.

"He's been missing since you left " she said .
He what!!!?
Kayde?missing? Why would he?

I quickly end the conversation . I should link Kayde but I can't do it here the other wolf will smell me and as well consider me as a rogue , but I need to know first.

And quickly called Liam

"Liam?" I asked through the phone
" Yes? " he asked
"Its  me Lizzie" I said

"Oh lizzie,why did you call all of the sudden?" He asked

"Is Kayde with you!" I asked
"No he isn't" he said looking confused.

"How about with mom or dad?" I asked

"Also not, why what was happening ?" He asked , oh shoot where could Kayde go??

After that I ended up the call and dialed Bob's number .

"Hello?" He asked

"Bob it's me ,Lizzie" I said uneasy

"Oh well hello Lizzie how was you trip t-" before he can talk more i cut him

"Where is Kayde?" I asked and he stop all of the sudden

His Darling Mate | Wolf series#1Where stories live. Discover now