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 Lyra woke up the next morning to the sun shining through her window. She turned to check the clock on her nightstand: 10:20.

The brunette shot up, she had overslept and she was going to be late. Running to her father's room she began jumping on his bed.

"It's 10:20! I'm gonna be late! WAKE UP!!!" She yelled as she bounced on his bed. 

She sprinted out of Elliot's room and into her's to change into jeans, a flannel and a pair of converse. Lyra pulled her trunk down the stairs before walking into the kitchen, where her dad was already making breakfast. 

Elliot handed his daughter a cup of tea and a plate of eggs and bacon, which she practically inhaled. 

"Slow down, Lyra. You'll choke if you eat too fast."

Lyra looked up at her father, and with a mouth full of food said, "Sorry."

Elliot looked away with a face of joking disgust. "Mouth closed, Lyra."

When Lyra had finished her breakfast and tea, which she burned her tongue with, they were ready to go with 15 minutes to spare.

"Are you going to say bye to Midnight?" Elliot asked.

Lyra nodded, " I was just about to go do that."

"You better get on with it, we leave in 5 minutes."

The eleven year old ran to the stables. Again, Midnight was waiting for her. 

"Hey Midnight." She said as she reached him, and began patting his head. "I'm leaving today. I'm finally going to Hogwarts, can you believe it? I'm excited, but I promise I'll be home for Christmas and Easter. And during the summer."

Midnight neighed at his rider. "Be good for dad, alright. I'll be home soon I promise." Lyra presses a kiss on Midnight's head before heading back inside. Suddenly it didn't feel right to leave. 

"Midnight will be ok." Elliot said, sensing his daughter's sadness. "I'll take care of him. But we really must get going."

Lyra nodded and grabbed her trunk and bags before taking her father's arm. Closing her eyes they apparated at King's Cross Station. She looked up at the sign to see "Platform 9 3/4" in bold, golden letters. And there in front of her was a large, red train. Lyra stared with awe at the Hogwarts Express. 

Elliot chuckled at his daughter's expression. "Alright, you have everything you need?"

Lyra turned to her father, "Yes. I quintuple checked."

"Good. Now do you remember what I said?"

"Do my assignments, pay attention in class, have fun and break some rules."

"That's my girl!" Elliot said, with a laugh. "Now go, and enjoy yourself.'

Lyra gave her dad a hug before walking towards the nearest train entrance. 

But before she got on she heard her dad yell, "Don't do anything to crazy."

She laughed, "No promises."

Lyra pulled her trunk as she walked into the Hogwarts Express. Most of the compartments already had students in them. 

Finally she reached on that had one student in it. She opened the door and said, "Is this seat taken?"

The dark skinned boy looked about her age. His lips seemed to be in a permanent snarl. He looked her over, as if inspecting her. After very awkward seconds of silence and judgement he shrugged and looked out the window.

Lyra took that as a yes and took a seat across from him. "I'm Lyra. Lyra Knight."

The boy turned to look at her again, the snarl seemed to deepen, but he was still silent.

Lyra however kept her cheery smile. "And you are?"

He was quiet for another few seconds before turning back to the window, "Zabini, Blaise Zabini."

Lyra's smile grew, "Nice to meet you Blaise Zabini."

Blaise's snarl turned into a sort of grimace, which Lyra guessed was an attempt to smile.

Before either could say another thing the door opened again to a boy with silver blonde hair and pale skin. 

"Blaise, there you are. Come on, me and the others are in the compartment over there." The boy didn't even turn to look at Lyra.

But Blaise nodded, despite the snarl that was back on his face. Before they left though the blonde looked at Lyra.

"And you are?" He asked rudely. Lyra immediately didn't like him.

"Lyra Knight. You?" She said, fighting to keep the smile on her face.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He boy said. Lyra could sense the pride when he had stated his last name. And she knew why. Her father had told her about the Malfoys. Rich and all Slytherin.

"Nice to meet you Draco." She said her smile now tight and not as bright as before.

"Well hello, Malfoy." A voice said, the three turned to look at a dark brown girl with blue eyes.

"Daugherty." Draco greeted, glaring at the girl.

"Yes, it's me. I have graced you with my presence. Now would you shove over, some of us are trying to take a seat before we get to Hogwarts." The girl said.

Draco looked shocked and angry that the girl was talking to him that way. But instead of arguing he turned to Blaise, "Lets go."

The two boys walked away and the girl took Blaise's seat. She extended her hand, "Hi, I'm Zara Daugherty."

Lyra took it and responded, "Lyra Knight. how do you know Draco Malfoy?"

Zara rolled her eyes, "My father works in the Ministry of Magic with his father. We meet there. And obviously hit it off." She said the last part sarcastically. "Biggest pompous ass I've ever met."

The two spent the entire ride speaking. And by the end of the ride Lyra knew the two were going to be very good friends.

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