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Dear Mione,

Mr. Weasley is fine, healing very well. We are most likely visiting again soon, and we'll be there for part of Christmas. In not so great news, Harry has locked himself in his room because he found out that the only reason he knew about Mr. Weasley was because You-KNow-Who possessed him. I figure Ron will probably be letting you know as well, soon.


Lyra put the letter aside before taking a second parchment.


How's it going at your place? Have your parents driven you up the wall yet? I miss you and Zara, wish we could have a regular Christmas at my place. Have a good holiday, don't let your family bring you down!

Love, Lyra

She placed the second letter with Hermione's before taking two more parchments.


How's your holiday going. Mr. Weasley is doing well by the way, we'll be visiting soon. Anyway, how are your parents, tell them that me and dad miss them. Hopefully I'll see you soon, Happy Holidays.

Lots of love, 


She took longer with the last letter, unsure of how to write it properly, before finally sighing at taking her quill.

Dear Blaise,

How has your break been? I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye before leaving, a family friend was hurt and dad came to pick me up. I hope your mother and her fiancé aren't dampening your holidays too much. Anyway, hope to see you soon,


She finally tied the four letters to Sunflower, gave her a treat, and told her to whom the letters should be sent to before heading back down to the living room. There she found Sirius singing loudly to Christmas carols, Lyra quickly joining in parading around the house behind him.

At one point, Elliot had to yell at them to shut up, failing miserably as Sirius only sang louder, and Lyra followed as they both circled around him. He finally left, stating he was going to buy food.

In the next few days Hermione arrived, thanking Lyra for the letter and trying to get Harry out of his depression. She seemed to have managed and Harry was back to actually socializing with people. Lyra convinced Ginny and Hermione to join her in Christmas shopping, both in Diagon Alley and a nearby muggle shop, Tonks followed behind them as their guard.

Lyra had gotten Zara a new lens for her camera, her old one had been broken for months. She got Fay a few new vinyls for her record player, both muggle and wizard music. She got new pranking invention supplies for the twins, mostly just at a Potions ingredients store. She bought Ron and Harry a basket of Muggle candies and pranks each.

Ginny and Hermione got charm bracelets. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley got matching, partner sweaters. For Sirius she bought dog toys and for her dad she bought new vinyls as well because his music was just so old. She had most trouble with getting Blaise something, getting him something muggle might bother him but what could she get him that he didn't already have. The boy was rich and had basically everything he could ask for.

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