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If Blaise Zabini had been asked before his 5th year where he felt most comfortable, he would have probably responded 'alone.'

If Lyra Knight had been asked where she felt she could most be herself, she probably would have said, 'alone.'

Both Lyra and Blaise were used to hiding themselves to please others. The perfect Slytherin prince who never argued. Who used his money and beauty to his advantage instead of his fists or words. And the perfect Gryffindor Knight, who was the first line of defense, ready to jump and save anyone, at the risk of her life. But as fate would have it, they met each other. And after the initial walls they used to protect themselves, they found freedom and comfort in one another that they couldn't have found in anyone else.

Together, they found the courage to say, "fuck the world," when it tried to forge them into its own image.

But in the summer of 1996, before the biggest war would break out, Lyra and Blaise's fates will be sealed by everyone but themselves. And they risk loosing the safety they have grown to find with each other.

"Consider it, dear." Blaise's soon-to-be stepfather spoke softly to his future wife, scared of waking a beast within her. He nearly cowered beside her.

Mrs. Zabini didn't speak at first, instead taking a sip from her goblet, the wine tainting her nude lips a dark purple.

Her fiancé continued, "This... this opportunity could be wonderful for us... for you. Just imagine the power we would have by joining."

Mrs. Zabini was known for many things, but out of all of them stood out her thirst for more power.

The diamonds on her fingers gleamed as she tapped them against her large, gold-decorated chair.

"You're sure." She said, more of a command than a question.

Her accent wasn't as thick as it used to be, so much time away from her homelands changed her, in many ways.

"Of course, my dear. The Dark Lord will once again become ever powerful. It is the perfect opportunity."


"I am sure Blaise would do well. The Dark Lord is always looking for strong supporters."

"Well." She rose from her seat and looked down at her fiancé, like a queen ready to strike a peasant dead, "I am no follower."

The man knew he had made a mistake, wincing as he waited for his lover's reaction. But she just walked away, towards a tinted window. She contemplated for a minute before turning back to her fiancé.

While she may not be a follower, this opportunity would not arrive twice. Besides, what higher honor could her son ever receive.

"He will finish his studies at Hogwarts. Then, and only then, will he join the Dark Lord."

The man nodded frantically, pleased, "Of course, my love."

Miles away, a very similar discussion took place at the Malfoy Manor.

In the silver, throne-like chair, turned towards the fireplace sat the Dark Lord himself. Similar to Mrs. Zabini, he tapped his fingers against the ornate seat.

Behind him stood Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, and Cassiopeia Avery.

"You must all be wondering why I'm here... Lucius."

"My Lord?" Lucius questioned in a whispered tone, stepping forward.

"I require your child."

The Malfoys turned to each other, a flash of fear across their faces before it was quickly replaced by impassiveness. "...My Lord?"

"You child, Draco. I require him to complete a mission for me."

Lucius, as well as the others, knew there was no escape from this. Despite the Malfoys love for their son, they could not possibly disobey Lord Voldemort. And so he responded with a shaky nod and, "Oh course, My Lord."

"We will discuss it further at another time."

And Lucius took a step back again.

Nagini slithered between the line of Death Eaters and reached her owner, Voldemort raised a hand to pet her.


Cassiopeia took a step forward, "My Lord."

"It seems you have a long-lost daughter."

She bowed her head but it did not alter the disgusted tone of her voice, "Yes, My Lord. I assure you, I had not heard from her or her blood-traitor father in years."

"It's alright, Cassiopeia," His voice was as soothing as the hiss of a snake. "She is misguided, confused. Raised by a dirty traitor will do that to anyone. It is... Understandable."

Cassiopeia bowed her head further, "Thank you, My Lord."

"However, I ask myself; If someone so misguided can be turned, it would do nothing but further our cause. From what I heard of the Ministry, she is a leader... Others will follow her."

"Yes, My Lord."

"All I ask of you, Cassiopeia, is that you steer her towards the correct path... Our path."

"Of course, My Lord."

Bellatrix stepped forward, "And if she is unteachable, My Lord? What of her then?"

Voldemort rose from the seat, turning towards his followers, staring into Cassiopeia's eyes "If that is so Bellatrix... you may deal with her yourself."

And for the first time in sixteen years, Cassiopeia felt a lick of fear. And she prayed that her Dark Lord hadn't seen it in her eyes.

Yes, it would take one hell of a fight to break apart Blaise and Lyra.

Unfortunately that is exactly what the world has planned for them.


and that is the conclusion of  'social casualty'

the sequel has been posted, so go check out 'roman holiday' if you haven't yet. updates for it will be starting soon!

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