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Lyra couldn't remember a weekend when she had partied so much. When the first Task had ended she, Zara, and the twins had brought enough food and butterbeer to last them a week. Unfortunately the pigs of Gryffindor house finished it in two days, Lyra being one of them.

By the end of it Lyra had a massive head and stomach ache and was brain dead from doing all her homework the night before it was due because she had forgotten. Zara shook her head but still gave her the Potions assignment.

Since Harry's victory it seemed that most of Hogwarts hate to the Gryffindors had stopped. The rivalry with Slytherin hadn't changed much.  And some Hufflepuffs still gave the Gryffindors a cold shoulder, probably because of Lyra's fight with Harper, she figured she would have to apologize at some point. 

"So, who are you going with Lyra?" Hermione asked in the dorm room a few nights before the ball.

"Fay, Katie, Zara, and I decided to stay to go as a group. Took off the pressure of having to say yes to someone."

"Here, here." Fay called from her bed.

"Who are you going with, 'Mione?"

The girl blushed a deep red, and the others 'ooh'ed.'

"You four have to promise you won't say, I don't want anyone reacting badly until we're actually at the ball."

The girls nodded, swearing to not say a thing.

"...Viktor Krum."

The reaction of the Gryffindors girls would have been hilarious if Hermione hadn't been so nervous. Fay had toppled off her bed and nearly smacked her head with her nightstand, Lavender gasped and nearly crashed into the bookshelves, Padma choked on the water she had been drinking, and Lyra almost slipped out the bay window and fell from the tower. Thankfully, Hermione gripped her ankle to stop her from falling to her death.

"Thanks." She gasped out, "Wait, are you serious 'Mione? Viktor Krum."

The bushy hair shook violently as the girl nodded, biting her lip. 

"Well... Never figured a famous Quidditch player would be your type, good for you." Fay said, seeming to be the first to recover and sending Hermione a sly wink.

She blushed more, and the other girls eventually reacted again, asking the basic questions.

How? When? Where?

After Hermione told the story of Krum's Yule Ball ask, the conversation returned to the group, Lyra noticed the tension leave her shoulders.

"So what are you guys wearing?" Padma asked, laying on the floor.

Hermione, still a bit pink in the face said, "My mom got me a dress and sent it over a few days ago. It's a blue, floaty dress."

"Oohh, I'm sure you'll do great. Can I do your hair?" Lavender squealed.

Hermione laughed and nodded.

"Mum sent mine and Parvati's dresses as well. We had bought them on a whim this summer, I'm glad they're going to use. It'll be a bright pink." 

"I'm going home this weekend to get my dress. Mum bought three she really liked and wants me to try them all and choose one." Fay said.

"Three? All bought for the Yule Ball?"

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