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Lyra Knight was running towards the train the second her father had apperated them onto Platform 9 3/4. A cheery smile on her face when she spotted her best friend. She sprinted towards Zara Daugherty and jumped onto her back.

A giddy giggle escaped from Lyra as Zara began to spin around. Finally, Lyra jumped down from her best friend. 

The blue eyed beauty enveloped her best friend in a hug, "Oh my god I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!" Lyra said, squeezing her best friend even tighter, "How was your trip to the states?"

"It was great, my aunt sends her love and wishes you had been able to come." 

Zara's aunt lived in Maine and Zara's family had gone on a trip to see her. Lyra had meet the woman in second year when she had stayed at Zara's house for a part of the summer.

"Lyra," her father had finally caught up to her, "You can't run off like that, especially without your stuff." 

The girl in question giggled. "Sorry." 

Elliot smiled and turned to Zara,"Hullo Zara, how were the states?"

"Pretty good, how have you been Mr. Knight."

"I've told you to call me Elliot, Zara. But I've been alright. Been having trouble keeping up with this one." He gestured to his daughter, who was bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Don't we all."

Before Lyra could argue with her best friend and father, the train's whistle rang. 

"Well you two better get going. Lyra be safe and don't do anything to crazy. Zara please stop her from doing anything crazy. And both of you have fun, it's gonna be an extra exciting year," He said, a twinkle shone in his eyes.

Lyra raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean 'an extra exciting year?'" 

"Well you'll have to wait and see now won't you," Elliot teased and pulled his daughter in.

"Why can't you just tell me," She said, adding a whine to the end of her sentence.

"Well because that would just ruin the surprise now wouldn't it." 

Lyra rolled her eyes but hugged her father again and the two said their goodbyes before climbing into the train.

"So, how was your summer?" Zara asked when they had settled into a compartment. 

Lyra shrugged, "Uneventful. I rode Midnight, went to the Quidditch World Cup, went to the river a lot, morning runs, went to a party with that cute muggle boy that lives nearby, went mountain climbing with dad, went bungee--"

"Wait, back up. You went to a party with the cute muggle boy!" Zara exclaimed, "Tell me everything."

Lyra bit back a smile and shrugged, "Nothing to tell."

"Liar. Oh my god, tell me!" Zara squealed, slapping Lyra's shoulder.

Lyra tried to dodge her best friend, laughing, "Ok, ok."

"Spill." Zara was practically jumping in her seat. 

 "It really wasn't much. He saw me riding Midnight one day and we started talking. And then the next day he game by again and we talked and then he asked me if I wanted to go to a party with him, it was his friend's girlfriend's birthday or something and he didn't want to be bored. So I said yes."

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