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Lyra knew exactly one person who liked mornings. It was her.

Even Hermione found it hard to get out of bed sometimes.

But Lyra would wake up with the sun. By 6 am she was dressed in yoga pants and a loose shirt and she went out for a run on the Quidditch field.

Sometimes she could count on Zara to come with her but usually she slept in and when she did come she ran one lap before giving up and sitting in the middle of the field waiting for Lyra to finish.

When she finished, she would take a quick shower, cold water. Also the only person to do that. And change into her robes, using a spell to dry her hair.

By the time she was done some of the girls in the dorm began waking up. Lavender had woken when Lyra had gotten back and was changed when she got out of the shower. Hermione began to get out of bed and Parvati went towards the shower. Fay, however was still passed out in bed.

Lyra jumped on the sleeping girl's bed and began bouncing making the bed move until Fay finally groaned.

"Ok, ok. I'm up. You are the worst, you know that Knight?"

Lyra giggled, "I've been told. Alright loves, I'm heading off to the Great Hall. Don't miss me to much."

Fay grunted in response, Hermione chuckled, and Lavender sent her a kissy face.

Smiling, Lyra left the Common room and headed straight for the Great Hall. Instead of going to the Gryffindor table she walked to the Ravenclaw one and plopped down next to Zara, who still looked half asleep.

The blue eyed girl had her head rested on her elbow and her eyes drooping. Her hair was messy, as if she had rolled out of bed and had runs brush through it but then gave up.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Lyra smiles brightly.

"Screw the sunshine! Let me go back to bed." Zara whined.

The Gryffindor huffed a laugh before grabbing eggs and toast. "It's not that bad."

"Not for you because you wake up with enough energy to light up a mansion. Us normal people  barely have enough energy to get through breakfast."

"Don't be suck a downer and eat your nasty oatmeal." Lyra grimaced at the plate in front of Zara.

"You are ridiculous, how can you not like oatmeal? It's egg you shouldn't eat. Ughh, the smell is nauseating."

The two girls continued their bickering about food when professors began walking around handing out schedules.

"Dougherty, Zara" Flitwick's squeaky voice called.

Zara lifted her hand and he handed her the roll of parchment.

"Knight, Lyra"

Lyra quickly stood and reached across the Hufflepuff table to accept the scroll from McGonagall.

"What do you have?"

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