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"Hi." Her voice cracked, nearly breaking down at the sight of her boyfriend despite how hard she tried to keep a brave face.

Blaise neared the bed slowly, almost scared of having her breakdown or freak out. She pulled a small smile, hoping that he wouldn't notice her eyes watering. He was playing with his cufflinks, tapping them against his snake ring and creating a soft clink noise.

Ron, Hermione, and Lyra were the only three left in the Hospital Wing. Umbridge had been let out a few days ago, Madam Pomfrey had caught Ron and Lyra making clip-clopping noises and throwing her into a panic. Pomfrey decided to let her out, offering a few potions for the last bit of healing she needed.

Hermione was still on a bunch of potions that made her drowsy most afternoons and completely fell asleep hours ago. Ron was on the Sleeping-Draught potion that spurred his healing but left him snoring loudly from Lyra's left.

The only people awake in the room were Lyra, Zara, Fay, and now Blaise. He carefully moved to where Fay sat, taking her place by Lyra's side.

Lyra felt the breath leave her lungs when he looked down at her, his eyes were as beautiful as always, dark and shining. It was both suffocating and warming to look up at him. Without breaking eye contact she spoke to her best friends.

"Can you two get me some earl grey, please? Two sugars."

From the corner of her eye she saw them hesitate, looking between each other before eventually leaving. Blaise didn't speak until they were gone.

"So, heard you went on quite the adventure." He smiled softly, hands still clasped.

"Well, you know me and my need for adventure."

He sobered quickly, no longer smiling or joking, "Except this one could have gotten you killed, Knight."

The teasing smile disappeared from Lyra's face and she ducked her head to stare at her lap, "I know... But I'm fine, really."

"Sure... This time you are. But what would have happened if it had been a different curse? Or if your mother hadn't stopped? Or if something else had gone wrong and you got hurt?"

"Well, technically, I got plenty hurt in his adventure too." She smiled softly, hoping to get him to smile, or relax. As long as he stopped looking at her like he was disappointed.

He turned his head to her, tilting it almost in a reprimanding but amused way. "That isn't comforting. Not in the slightest."

"Look... I'm sorry, I know I worried you but I had no choice. Not in this."

He smiled back at her, grabbing both of her hands and bringing them to his lips. Pressing feather kisses against her knuckles. "I know. I just wish I would have known you were safe... You scared me."

Lyra didn't speak for a few minutes. Didn't want to make a joke out of it or apologize either. She was grateful that Blaise didn't push, just held tighter to her hands in the silence, the only sounds were Hermione's deep breathing and Ron's snores in the beds next to hers, covered by the curtains that Zara and Fay had graciously drawn in case anyone walked in.

"So... Do I get to hear about your adventure." Blaise spoke, the silence getting to both of them.

And Lyra didn't want to tell the story again, didn't even know what parts of the story she should be telling. She would much rather be talking about their OWLs or summer vacation or anything else. But for Blaise, who was still choosing to stick by her side, she could handle it. Just one more time.

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