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Once they were dressed in their robes and train had arrived, Zara and Lyra quickly walked from the bus towards the castle, using their robes to avoid the rain. Unfortunately the cold, thick rain soaked through their robes pretty fast. 

They jumped into a carriage and it began it's path to Hogwarts. Lyra couldn't help the joy that reached her chest when she saw the castle. She had some of her best memories here and heard some of the greatest stories from this place to.

This was where her parents had fallen in love, where she had met her best friend, where she had learned and seen so much. She would never trade her life with her dad for anything, but this, this felt like home.

When the carriage stopped in front of the stone steps that lead to the great oak doors. People began scrambling up the steps. Lyra and Zara ran up the steps until the reached the entrance hall. Zara dashed towards a torch, reaching up so her hands were near the fire. 

Lyra began walking towards her best friend when a large, red ballon landed on her head splashing her even more with ice cold water. Her eyes filled with water and she closed them, then began slipping, distantly she could hear Peeves laughing.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, as she fell she crashed into a body, equally as wet as her own. Fumbling she held on to the arms that began to try holding her up.

When she was finally standing again she began wiping the water from her eyes, and looked towards the person who had saved her from face planting with the marble floor.

The person in question was glaring at her and snarled, "Watch it next time, would you?" 

Blaise Zabini stood before her, in his Slytherin robes. Next to him, glaring just as angrily was Draco Malfoy, who had Pansy Parkinson on his side and Crabbe and Goyle standing behind.

"Wasn't my fault, Zabini. You get splashed in the face with a water balloon and see how you like it." Lyra snapped back, the gratitude long gone. 

Malfoy rolled his eyes, "You should be thanking him, as he saved you ass from landing on the floor, Knight."

"First, it would have been my face. Second, I don't need to thank anyone who acts like a jerk."

Zabini rolled his eyes but didn't say anything, and Knight took it as a sign to walk away from the Slytherins who were willing to start a fight if she gave them enough reason to. 

When she reached Zara, who still had her hands near the torch she did a quick wave of her wand and aimed at her friend, hot air was expelled from her wand and quickly dried her off. Lyra then turned her wand to herself and dried her clothes.

"Thanks," Zara said, sticking her hands into her robes, she had abnormally cold hands all the time, "What was that with Zabini?"

Lyra rolled her eyes, "I slipped and crashed into him. He caught me and then started acting like a jerk about it." 

The two girls quickly ran into the Great Hall to void another balloon. Lyra walked towards the Gryffindor table while Zara went to the Ravenclaw. 

She sat next to the Fred and George, and across from Ginny and Katie Bell.

Katie smiled at her, "Hey Knight, ready for a great Quidditch year?"

"You know it Bell, Slytherin won't know what hit 'em."

Katie and Lyra were two chasers on the Gryffindor team, along with Angelina Johnson. When Lyra had tried out in second year, Oliver had picked up on the great chemistry between the three girls and immediately gave her the spot.

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