Part 1 When Albus Calls | Edited

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NOTE: I mostly don't use "Y/n" for the edited chapters when refering to you or your OC. I use "<___>" instead. I always read "y/n" as "your name" so I decided to have it simply blank, just insert the name, or ignore it if you really want to. <3

"Lumos!" - a small beam of light was born at the tip of your wand, illuminating your footsteps

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"Lumos!" - a small beam of light was born at the tip of your wand, illuminating your footsteps. The view flashed right in front of your eyes - Glorious Hogwarts stood among the pulsing lightning and the shivery weather.

The enchanted school grounds were no strangers to the wet soil and extensive puddles that accompanied your boots, welcoming splashes from the bursting down rain.

A black satchel draped over your shoulder as your drenched, black robes clothed you inside the soothing office of Albus Dumbledore. Professor flicked his wand and a pair of red porcelain teacups flew over to the table.

"Tea?" - he asked, stretching his hand towards the hovering in the air, incoming, silver teapot. As you nodded it tilted, greeting you with a delightful, sweet aroma, traveling alongside the brown, warm liquid into each of the teacups.

As you lifted it up to your lips and took a sip, you glared into Albus's blue eyes "I know why I'm here, professor. And I must really apologize about my owl almost getting caught... But you were very brief with me in the letter and I must ask - why me?"

Dumbledore folded his fingers, ignoring the huffing of his tea beside his hands "Taking such interest in defence against the dark arts, accomplishing achievements greater than any other would at your age, I see you as one of the most suitable for the task."

"My achievements just sound greater than they are. I cannot take full credit since I've had help. What if I am the wrong person to ask? Surely, there must be someone else out there more capable." - you lowered your glossy eyes to the table

"You do not trust yourself." - Dumbledore said "But I must assure you, after meeting you once again, I can see in you what you yet do not see in yourself. You are wise and alerted. You would know exactly what to expect from Riddle and be able to see through his deceit. You'd keep a closer watch, better than what I've done in my years."

"So what would you like me to accomplish?"

"Get close to him. Close enough to reveal his plans and secrets. Use that, if you can, against him. Do anything in your power that could save all lives he took over the years"

"That's a very difficult thing to ask" - you replied "We both know his heart is not in the right place. And he is not as foolish to simply reveal everything to a stranger. And even if I was successful, what should I do after?"

"That much would be for you to figure out"

"This plan sounds like a blind man attempting to ride a broom -- Set up for failure"

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