Part 86 A Calm Before The Storm

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In the dungeon cell, chained to the wall, you could hear commotion. Footsteps and blasts trembled the old ground as it grew louder and louder, closer and closer.

With a quick flash of light, the metal entrance of your cell blasted right open, shattering into pieces, releasing chocking dust and smoke.

As the grey, toxic mist began to dissolve, a young man's features faintly gleaned among the torch light.

"Tom.." - you watched him enter the cell, Nagini deviously slithering next. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes met, like a part of your soul melting away.

But something was different. His gaze was sharp, an odd hint of displeasure in his face as he observed the magic resistant chains. "Hm." - he muttered, thinking of a way to set you free.

He was quiet, the expected warm reunion felt utterly cold.

How could you tell him about the child.

Riddle, on the other hand had completely different thoughts - the time turner he assumed you possessed, whether it's true or false. He could ask if he wanted to, test you, control you. But he wanted to wait for a good moment and confront you about it - he was clever.

Trust issues sent him bitter thoughts - have you crossed him this whole time. Just an act.

Riddle snapped to different thoughts, thinking about blasting the chains themselves off the walls - but it wouldn't loosen them from your wrists. The only way was to find a key. He called out to Nagini and in parseltongue whispered a demand then watched it slither away.

It was just you and him pushing time now.

He was glaring at you, standing still. His red tinted eyes piercing into yours for what felt to be minutes. He wouldn't dare, however, engage physically, not even a hug. Not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't. All his thoughts were driven around about a possible, heart-wrenching betrayal.

Even though you felt hurt yourself, a hug was exactly what you wanted from him. Some sort of interaction. But you couldn't shrug off the feeling that something was wrong "What happened?" - you asked softly

Hearing your voice, Riddle's blank face loosened. Seeing you broken and upset pierced his pride "I defeated him" - he replied "That old fool is no longer a concern"

A relieving rush overwhelmed you, it was elating hearing such news "Thank you.." - you smiled

And he ached watching you smile at him.

There was static, some sort of unsettling yet flattering sensation within the air, a chemical tension, a magnet making you gravitate towards each other. But it was tough now. Both of you had secrets to hide.

"There is something I want to ask you" - you called out to him, observing his somber lips

"Of course." - he replied firmly

"Do you ever see yourself embracing mortality?"

Riddle was thrown back by the question, confused "Why such question"

"I just wish to know if you would ever see yourself remaining as you are. Maybe throw the dark magic? I'm growing tired of the war, I don't want to see people die"

Tom hissed "I did embrace mortality. Before I knew of this"

"You already split your soul, can't you leave it at that? before you turn completely inhuman?"

He looked startled "I will not stop. How dare you ask me this" - he frowned "You just fear me. Afraid of what I can become"

"You're right. I do. And I'm already petrified of what you did so far."

"I saved your life"

"At the cave I mean."

It was quiet for a second, as Riddle was recalling the event "You are upset I tested your loyalty?"

You lowered your eyes to the ground "I-- you made me drink the potion and you knew what it would do"

"I saved you quickly after, did I not? I wished to test my defenses and you agreed"

"I didn't know what I agreed to, you basically dragged me away from my friend's wedding"

Growing impatiently bitter, Riddle bit his lip "You are ungrateful"

"If you say that. Tom I--" - you exhaled, oblivious as to how to tell him this

He remained silent, awaiting for your next words, unsettling thoughts running through his mind "You what."

"I-- I was... with a child... your child.." - you looked up into his eyes "Until the drink"

His sentences completely left him - he was at a loss of words. His eyes wide open, his mind blank. You were searching his eyes for an awaited answer but not a sound would escape his lips.

He felt a shock rushing through his heart, a piercing, suffocating ache he hasn't felt before.

"What..." - he whimpered

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