Part 65 Azkaban

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Day 1 Of being trapped in Azkaban

You could feel yourself lose your sense of direction. The fear that drove through your bloody veins desired more than anything to get out.

What about Tom? If he knew where you were, would he come and save you? 

You hated the damsel in distress scenarios. But some scenarios you just can't escape alone.

You didn't even know how you got here, but it must have been someone from within the ministry that meddled with you as these grounds belong to them. And not to mention the fact that dementors are used to catch prisoners. However, nobody even mentioned if you were proven guilty or not, they did not even give you a trial, but just put you straight to Azkaban.

You could not do much here at all. The massive, metal door to your cell did not budge. The window did not budge. Your wand was taken and you were already badly shaken from the night before.

What about food and water? Who brings the supplies to the inmates?

You fear for how long you'll be here. Was it even worth it when your defiance of the ministry was minimal.

Day 2 of being trapped in Azkaban

The night you slept was even worse than the restless one just before. It will get worse if you don't get out of here and you could hardly see or sense a way out, but you did not want to give up.

Later in the evening, after thinking about all the possibilities to escape, you noticed your cell door barely open. A tray filled with grotesque food was pushed through the small gap of the door before it was closed again.

Aha! Must have been some sort of life, right?

Day 3 of being trapped in Azkaban

You woke up unhappier than ever. Strange. You did not feel any side effects of this place for quite a bit. But right now, your hope was starting to fade and the happy memories inside your head slowly drifted away.

How long can one stay sane in a cell like this, surrounded by such ghouls?

Day 4 of being trapped in Azkaban

Everything hurt to the core of your bones. Your muscles already began to ache from the hard surface of the bed. You had a headache from all the screaming coming from the inmates. Some of them were talking to themselves day and night, which prevented you from properly resting. It made you think, how long till you'd become one of them?

All the screaming and yet it was so lonely. Nobody to talk to. If you tried to say even a word to the inmates, who knows what nonsense of a response you'd receive. Some of these prisoners were serious convicts.

No visitors so far. Not even Lily. Disappointing. It made you feel more alone than ever.

Day 5 of being trapped in Azkaban

Your face must be a wreck by now. Eye bags formed from the lack of sleep, the dry lips and the pale skin from the lack of sun. Your hair was messy. You felt dirty from the lack of showering. You felt weak.

The water from the prison tasted contaminated and the food looked like moldy leftovers.

It was dreadful outside too. Dementors everywhere, thousands of them, freely flying around the prison, from soul to soul, feeding on their delicious prey who were too weak to fight back. Vulnerable - as they like it.

It's cold day and night yet nobody cared. The ministry left living beings to get their happiness sucked out of them. Hour by hour they seemed to come back. Every time, a couple of them at once. Some of them would suck your soul through the gap of the window and others would find other ways.

Oddly, they never have sucked any of the souls completely out. Instead, they chose the misery option, feasting on their prey slowly.

Day 6 of being trapped in Azkaban

You felt even more weak. It was harder to move therefore harder to eat and drink. It was hard to talk, hard to think.

The walls surrounding you became more and more miserable. Devious. Cold.

It sent isolating signals to your mind. Each day, making it more convincing you're all alone. The colossal prison walls slowly gave you claustrophobic thoughts.

Day 7 of being trapped in Azkaban

You woke up. Silence. Stood up, circled in your cell. Silence. Your hope by now had died down. It was your fate to die here.

Would anyone ever find your dead, cold corpse inside this cell?

Day 15 of being trapped in Azkaban

Drastically, you found yourself screaming at the walls. Yes, screaming. It seems that the constant feast of dementors grew you somewhat insane.

There were scratches on the walls of your prison cell - your scratched marks. Your fingernails bled out from some of the writing you had done.

Day 25 of being trapped in Azkaban

The blood boiled inside you like a kettle. There were many, vivid imagery inside your head, storming around of what you would do to your enemies if you ever got out. These mad thoughts were like your second source of food for strength.

It was clear who your enemies were now.


And James.

And everyone else.

Day 30 of being trapped in Azkaban

As your list grew longer and longer, you entertained yourself by repeating it over and over inside your head.

The constant thirst for vengeance gave you the little bit of power.

But the sanity had almost faded by now. It was hard to know who you were. All thanks to the dementors.

Day 33 of being trapped in Azkaban


The walls blasted. Hardly able to, you looked up. There was shimmering rays of sun coming in through, just above your head.

You heard screams from the inmates, most with crazy laughter. Others - satisfaction.

You covered your eyes from the sun. You couldn't look up, not even a bit. It stung your eyes like a bunch of bees.

But next thing you knew, there was a pile of flowing, black shadow flying in from the top and into your cell.

You watched it turn into a human. For the first time you saw someone you knew and lovingly missed.


He blasted your cell's door, giving you full access to the outside. But there was no use. You could not move a muscle.

He rushed to you without saying a word. He picked you up and carried you out in his arms.

Next thing you knew - you were both gone.  And your thirst for blood was more alive than ever.

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