Part 67 Under the Moon

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"Why did you bring me out here in the dark, Tom?" - you observed the nightfall just above your head. The stars were starting to shimmer. Soft wind breezed upon your cheeks as the two of you stood at the edge of a cliff.

He glanced at the bottom of the cliff - darkness. The wind carried his soft bangs backwards as his black cloak hovered above the freshly grown grass.

"You told me something. A long time ago." - he replied in a soft tone, shifting his gaze from the bottom of the cliff to you. "You're an heir." - you noticed him take his wand out from his cloak "I've witnessed your power once. And of course, Godric was no match for Salazar. But I'd like to test that."


"I've fought you once." - he lifted up his wand and pointed it directly at you "But not to my full abilities. Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, heir to Salazar Slytherin with the heir of Godric Gryffindor."

"There's no time for this. The ministry is probably already aware I'm gone from Azkaban."

"The ministry will be busy for a while, you have my word."

"Why is this necessary?" - you asked, showing hints of fear on your face

"You're a Gryffindor. Are you not meant to be Brave?" - he shook his head, awaiting for the duel "We don't want to dissappoint your ancestors, do we?"

At a loss for words, you slowly took out the wand from within your coat and stood in a position, waiting for the attack.

Growing impatient, Tom sent out a first attack, a bright beam flashed from the tip of his wand, which upon, you casted a shield at, protecting yourself from the spell "protego!"

"Come on now. I believe you're a Hufflepuff." - he smirked "If you'll make it worth my while, I'll even be kind enough to not use dark magic on you, <y/n>."

"I don't want to fight you."

"Has Azkaban taught you nothing? Have you forgotten you are all alone? Pathetic and weak. Nobody wants you."


"I should of left you to die to that shameful fool. You're nothing but a burden" - he sneered "Useless."

You clenched your wand. His words began to turn you bitter with a mix of slight heartache. "Incarcerous!" - shamelessly, you casted a harmless spell that would tie a person up.

He frowned at your choice of a spell, easily deflecting it. "What would your parents say?" - he shook his head "Speaking of which, how long shall we assume they'll stay alive for?"

You growled, with one, swift hand movement casting flames "Confringo!"

He smiled at your impulse, easily catching your summoned fire with his wand, spinning it in circle around his body, creating more and more following spitting flames, as if forming a massive tornado of fire.

Your eyes reflected the bright colour illuminating the sky when all of sudden, the blaze came launching at you. Thinking fast, with your wand you caught his fire in a massive bubble of water, trapping it inside, which immediately turned to dissolving smoke.

"Finally." - Tom smirked, transifiguring three flowers into three snakes. He paused, placing away his wand as he gazed at his freshly formed creatures. When he started saying something in a different language - parseltongue.

The snakes looked at him before shifting their gaze at you and hissing. They slythered closer and closer, about to grab and suck onto your blood like the predators they are.

But this appeared like a weak spell and it seemed like he was trying to show off his unique ability instead.

Immediately, you sent out a spell that turned the snakes back into their original form, but to your surprise, it did not work.

Amused, Tom smirked in confidence "Your basic magic will not work against mine."

Unsatisfied, whilst watching the three snakes slyther towards you, you casted another fire spell to burn the trio, but instead, it bounced off their skin and dashed towards your face. You managed to duck in time before the spell hit the tree behind you. "What the..." - You couldn't believe it "What is this magic?"

"What's the matter, <y/n>? Can't take down a couple of snakes?"

"What, is that like a trick question?" - you knew he obviously could see you struggle.

You were intensely gazing at the creatures approaching you. The closer they got the more hostile they were. They wrathfully hissed, pushing themselves further. You knew you had to think of something fast but nothing could come into your mind.

Ultimately, you decided to cast out a transfiguration spell, trying different things followed up by other spells, sadly, in failure. The flashes only made them angrier.

They were closer and closer until they were so close, you had no way to backpedal anymore. Their venomous mouths were wide open as their narrow eyes were ready to attack.

When woosh.
They dissolved into dust as soon as they slythered near your legs.

From behind of the freshly gone creatures, Tom slowly shook his head. "It was an illusion, <y/n>. You're too weak and not so intelligent. Sad."


"You speak of murder yet you cannot spot an illusion. Silly woman." - he stepped forward, slowly starting to approach you "Azkaban has done no change. You speak of cruelty yet you show no signs of being insane. No interest."

"How do you know what I want?"

"It is obvious. You are different after all."

"Should I just pretend you didn't call me all those names just now?"

"It was for testing purposes. I did not mean harm. I did not even need such a ridiculous test to know as to where the superiority is." - he leaned in, gracefully whispering "You will never be the match for me."

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