Part 12 Defiant | Edited

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Wednesday morning you woke up later than your friends. Within the towers, outside of Gryffindor's common room, students squashed each other like sardines, streaming down the mahogany staircase, some even fumbling on their feet. They were all heading for their classes, late.

And at this point, it would take you minutes to brush past the cramped horde of sorcerers.

Aware of this, you conjured a transfiguration spell at a book in your hands, turning it into a skateboard. You hopped on it and slid down the handrails, balanced yourself so you wouldn't fall to the dark bottom of the school, and dodged every hand in the way.

Students, still rushing down, were looking at you with twinkling amazement in their eyes. When you reached the floor, you glimpsed back up to see a bunch of them admire your bravery.

"How did you do that?!" - one nearby Gryffindor student shouted your way

"Magic" - you winked.

Surprisingly, most of your classmates were late to the first lesson of the day as well - Ancient Runes taught by Bathsheda Babbling

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Surprisingly, most of your classmates were late to the first lesson of the day as well - Ancient Runes taught by Bathsheda Babbling.

There was only one, large, circular table in the middle of the room and 16 seats around it.

You didn't recognize many faces. The only ones you did recognize were Lily who sat next to you; Tom who sat on the far, left side of the table; and Sirius Black who was in front of you, on the other side of the table.

"Would anyone be able to explain me what a hydra is?" - The teachers' squeaky voice echoed between the grey walls as she slowly circled around the massive table. She suddenly stopped and gazed at one of her pupils "Mr. Riddle?"

"A nine-headed creature, madam" - Tom's low tone fluttered in an appealing way.

You hated his success in maintaining his 'polite' persona.

Riddle proceeded "The nine heads are used to symbolize the number nine. According to the legend, if you cut off one of its heads two more will grow back"

"Excellent!" - the teacher shrieked in joy "10 points to Slytherin for a perfect answer, Mr. Riddle"

Even as a teacher, she was very fond of Tom. She was oblivious to the fact she was just another one of his victims who gave into his charm.

"Now. Who can answer this next one" - she circled around the room once more, glimpsing from one head to another until she stopped "Miss <y/s/n>, can you tell me what is a Salamander?"

Lily intervened "With all due respect, ma'am, she wasn't here for the----"

The teacher lifted her wand into the air, her chin up high as she halted Lily "Didn't ask you, Miss Evans" - then she pointed the wand at you as a sign of control. "At such grand schools as Ilvermorny you must of learnt this. Otherwise, why would the headmaster accept you when the year has already begun for the rest of the students. Seems hardly fair." - As she slightly glowered, you sensed bitterness radiating from her "So, what IS a Salamander, my dear?"

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