Part 46 A change

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When all the attacks stopped, the ministry of magic retreated from the grounds of Hogwarts. A few days after, muggle born students one by one have healed from the stonified state. Framed, Hagrid was expelled from the school of magic. Luckily, he was too young to be sent to Azkaban. Since the attacks have stopped and Riddle was questioned by Albus Dumbledore, it seemed like everyone but the great wise wizard were convinced about the situation. Albus suspected Tom and began to keep an eye on the 'perfect' student.

A chamber filled with the pupils of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor was full of commotion as the two houses were forced to work together against Slytherin and Ravenclaw in a friendly game that required strong, vivid imaginations. The students had to listen to a scenario given by the teacher and cast out a spell based on the situation. If the spell was correct, the student would proceed to another round, if it was wrong, the student was eliminated from the game. The winning house received 100 points.

Ravenclaw beat Gryffindor in the game of minds. You can't outsmart the smart. And Slytherin beat Hufflepuff, leaving the two houses one against another. Before there could be a final winner, one of Slytherin students were caught cheating, causing the whole house to get punished and eliminated from the game, leaving the Slytherins dissappointed and Ravenclaws as the winners. Xenophilius Lovegood in particular, was praised for his wit.

"What a useless, silly game" - you muttered to yourself

Hours later, you decided to spend time alone at the river. You sat down on the grass, next to the water, and snacked on nuts when suddenly, a friendly, brave squirrel sprinted towards your arms and from a bit of a distance sniffed on the little nut in your hands. Staying as still as possible, you watched the tiny animal's stealthy approach.

But before it could get the nut, the little animal got startled at the sound of footsteps coming from behind you and sprinted away, dissappearing into the nearby leaves of the tree.

You turned around to see a grinning Tom, looking as proud as ever, talking to a snake placed around his shoulders. You recognised the pet, it was the snake you bought ages ago.

"How did you get it?" - you asked

"They find me." - he kept grinning, glancing at you "I couldn't help but notice you're in a desperate need of another presence."

"I thought you were a solo rider, Tom, why does it matter? Besides, I had the company of the squirrel you just scared away"

"Not if I desire to be the greatest leading sorcerer. You see, I cannot be alone." - he looked at the snake on his shoulders, lifting its head up to his face "I quite like your pick. Not deadly enough though."

"Edgy." - you glanced away from him.

He noticed you were not in the mood. He lowered the snake, letting it Slither around his body before sitting down next to you. "You look off. I can see something's bothering you."

"I feel like I've dissappointed everyone. That is all."

"I'd ask why but I'm afraid I do not care."

"Yeah, Tom, I did not expect more from you."

"Such insulting words" - he rolled his eyes sarcastically "Least I know you think so little of me"

"You said it, not me."

"Did you know" - he suddenly changed the topic "That your mudblood friend has been healed? It's hard to avoid her ginger, ragged hair."

"What? That's wonderful news!" - a spark grew in your eyes, a developing joy "That's one problem out of the way then..."

"Not for me." - he scoffed

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