Part 52 Devious

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Ever since the feud, wounds on your flesh healed but your mind remained restless.
Oddly, your heart throbbed at the thought of him no longer needing you, the anxiety made it hard to sleep and eat. It felt sickening to think about the mission.

You promised to Dumbledore you'll save hundreds of lives. And yet, there you were, sat alone among the sunset, inhaling the gently breezing wind outside of Hogwarts, taking in the peace as you immersed yourself into the nature.

This was the last year of Hogwarts. More or less the end of it. You haven't said a word to Tom for so long that you couldn't even remember the sound of his voice. You never spoke to each other again and he never spoke in class.

It pierced you to see his face everyday and remember what happened. Yet due to the matter of pride, you couldn't bring yourself to chat with him.


The following day, you, Molly and Mary sat down outside to eat lunch. From the corner of your eye you've noticed Lily, smiling like crazy, sprinting towards you.

"Why so ecstatic, Lily?" - Mary grinned

"James is taking me to meet his family for the following half term!" - she smirked

Ever since she started dating James Potter, she's been more happy than usual. Even though she stated she's not expecting much from it, we all could sense her devotion to it.

As much as you wanted her to get together with Severus Snape, you couldn't do much here, for you wanted Harry to be born.

At the same time, Tom and his group were discussing matters, sat around their club's table.

"Severus." - Tom sneered "Surely, there must be a reason for your... lack of contribution."

"My apologies." - Severus has been a pain for Tom recently, simply because Snape's heartbreak over Lily made him a lot less useful.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not as severely important." - Riddle frowned at Snape's saddened eyes

"Of course." - Severus nodded in submission.

"Now." - Tom looked at the boys sat around him "Shall we discuss the installment of Death Eaters?"

Later the same day,
You've noticed Severus attempting to chat to Lily but she completely ignored him.

Appearing pissed off, she rushed towards the Gryffindor's common room.
Following her trail, you discovered her sobbing on her bed.

"Lily, are you okay?"

"No. It's Severus. Ever since he called me a filthy mudblood we have stopped talking. He wants to make amends but I don't have the strength for it" - She wipped off a tear "I know I'm pathetic but I held him dear and it's hard to avoid him. Always have always will."

"He just wants the best for you, he didn't mean his words. He just hates the fact you're going out with his bully"

"James changed though, he matured"

"Indeed, but being thrown about and get made fun of everyday sticks with you for the rest of your life" - Gently, you stroked her hair to help her relax

"Severus changed too. He's evil now, hanging with that useless Tom Riddle." - her sadness immediately turned to bitterness. She brushed off your hand from her head "What did you ever see in him?"

"Something nobody else did I guess." - you didn't want to speak about him, her bringing up Tom was hurtful.

Lily noticed your expression change and it softened hers "Sorry..."

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