Part 92 Has It Really Been That Long

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Raindrops fell down from the sky, kissing the dark alleyways below.

A man with brown, neck length curly hair whisked his wand into the air, conjuring a small shield against this gentle nature nemesis.

He turned around from the black door and stopped, his right foot just barely reaching a puddle.

His bright eyes glared at the soaked, shivering woman in front.

"Y/n?" - he called out, immediately throwing his coat off his arms and wrapping it around your shoulders. "Come inside."

"Sirius..." - you yelped

He hooked both of his arms around you, securing the warm jacket from slipping.

Once inside, your eyes locked with sat down Lily.

As soon as she noticed your entrance, she pushed herself off the armchair and dashed towards you, hugging you tight "I missed you"

You almost cried, that was not the greeting you expected.

"What is she doing here?" - a man's voice rumbled from afar open door. A wrathful glare through his glasses with each step of approach "This traitor?"

"James..." - Lily intervened

"No." - he stopped her, lifting his finger to your face "We almost died because of you"

"It wasn't my fault---"

"Of course it wasn't" - James sneered "Who else could have conveniently known about the location of our wedding."

"It wasn't me."

"Sure it wasn't! A convenient case to disappear just before an ambush!"

"If you'd just hear me out--"

"There is nothing for you to say."

Lupin's voice halted furious Potter "Let's not jump into conclusions, we need to be wise"

"What?" - James scoffed, turning to Sirius

Sirius paused for a second "Innocent unless proven guilty."

Them defending you felt flattering, definitely not what you thought would happen

"You want proof?" - James sneered, capturing your arm and rolling up your sleeve, revealing the dark mark "Here's your proof."

Lily gasped as Sirius and Lupin circled around James, all of your friends suddenly in front like it was some sort of judgement.

"I've done mistakes. I admit it."

"Whose side are you on?" - Lily cried out

"Yours.." - you gently replied

James chortled "And we are supposed to trust you I presume? Do you take us as fools? You know who probably sent you this very moment. Seems to me you've already made your choice."

"I stayed by his side hoping he would change but there is not an inch in that man's body where he wouldn't be a monster."

"He defiled you" - Lily shook her head, she looked distraught, caring about you gravelly.

"You want us to trust you?" - James sneered "Give us your wand."

That's hurtful to hear even for a wizard. However, in this situation it's understandable.

"I- I can't.." - you replied, lowering your eyes to the floor in shame "He has it."

Potter frowned with a high pitched tone "Ha." - he rubbed his face "We both know where you're going back. A dark cell I'll be sure you won't escape from."

"James.." - Lupin intervened, only to get cut off

"The only place for a traitor." - Potter glowered

"I am not a traitor. I wouldn't betray your wedding, Lily is like a sister to me!" - you defended yourself

But James dismissed you "Save it for the hearing."

Oh. So now you were going to get a hearing.

"Gah..!" - Lily yelped, dropping to the floor, holding onto her stomach

Everyone's eyes widened as James bolted down, grabbing a hold of her "I'll lead you away, you mustn't be upset. Not now"

Your eyes rolled from one face to another, you didn't know what just happened.

Understanding your confusion, Sirius gently stated "She's pregnant."


"What? Now?" - in disbelief, you asked

"The baby should arrive all well in nine months" - Lupin added "Lily was instructed not to stress"

A knot suddenly thumped in your chest, Harry. Harry was coming.

"We- we are mid war was this really the best-- time...?" - you stuttered

"Molly has more than a few now.." - Sirius replied

How long have you been gone? Has it really been so long since you've last seen them?

"I-I need to sit down.." - you pushed through Lupin and Sirius, sitting down on the armchair where Lily was once sat on

Until James, alone, came back from upstairs "You will be locked under watch."

"James.. I am honestly not whom you're looking for, it's --"

"Who?" - he impatiently stopped you, as if mocking your words, determined he doesn't care whosever name would slip out of your lips

"Peter Pettigrew."

"Again with.." - he sighed, rubbing his eyes "Peter is a close family friend! Closer than you've ever been!"

"You're wrong!"

"I will not be listening to your lies!"

"Then give me the truth serum and I will not stutter!"

"You'll go around it knowing you."


He dismissed it "Enough with your nonesense."

"Just listen.."

You watched James about to leave "I have better things to do"

"Listen to me!" - you repeated

But your words were drowned into the quiet, a lack of response from James.

"She'll die, James!" - you watched him suddenly stop. He peeked over his shoulder, his glasses shining against the dim light "You will die too.." - you added

Sirius and Lupin's eyes darted between the two of you. They listened to the ludicrous words of your voice, feeling complete suspense.

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