Part 72 Lily

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All over England, The dark lord has been recruiting more and more death eaters. Some of them he even jinxed or bribed to the dark side. 

He tended to torture the disobeying, which barely would ever happen as every single one of his followers would fear him and he would find a way to award his most loyal ones.

Riddle had been viciously sick from head to his toes about Mortier and his weak army being a massive irritation. Whilst Riddle intelligently would plan his motives, Mortier would jump in and do something that would force Riddle to withdraw. Their armies would just collide. And both would feel one is superior than the other.

Inside one of the conference rooms for the highest rank death eater leaders, the dark lord was tapping his fingertips on the desk "The buffoon is destroying our name." - Riddle was hissing with inner anger "Silly moron takes pride in his weak work and is corrupting our noble one."

"My lord." - Lucius intervened "Would it not be easier if we just eliminated him and his army? After all..." - Lucius smirked "We have the strength?"

"As much as I admire your ambition, Lucius, I must not agree. Let the order deal with his army. Then we deal with what is left." - The dark lord replied

In respect, Lucius nodded before going back silent.

From time to time in the meeting, Riddle would drift off. Thoughts of  <y/n> would cross his mind and warmly quiver his icy heart. But at the same time he knew she was gone and that would turn the only couple of sweet memories sour as his heart turned bitter. If only he hadn't rushed to kill someone under an impulse for once.

Somewhere in the new Weasley house...

"Ah here you, go hunny, have one!" - Molly had handed you a tray of freshly baked gingerbread cookies. The woman sure loved cooking and baking.

"Ah, thank you, Molly." - you took a bite out of one and got struck with a heat of immediate delight "Wow..." - you munched on them "These are really good."

Sat next to you, Lily hopped off her seat "I want one!"

But suddenly, Molly snapped Lily's upcoming hand away, turning the tray with the freshly baked goods away from her "Only if you invite me to the wedding!"


Hearing these words, you chocked on the cookie you were eating, coughing out bits of it.

Lily immediately sat back down, wrapped her arms around you and tapped your back until you stopped coughing then looked back at Molly "See what you did? I haven't told her yet."

Feeling some of the pastry stuck in your throat, you harshly uttered "C-Can I have some water?"

"Of course, my dear" - Molly rushed off to the kitchen and came back with a freshly poured glass of water. Her arm seemed to shake a little, it was obvious she felt a little guilty about muttering these words to you.

"Thank you" - you grabbed the stretched out glass and instantly started chugging down the refreshing, cold water.

"After all..." - Molly sat down opposite you and Lily "There is something I have to tell you as well..." - she rubbed her fingers together, meddling with her thumbs. She appeared worried but when she looked at Lily's and your eyes her worry changed into everlasting happiness "Me and Arthur are..." - she gazed deeply into your eyes, acknowledging the fact you were still drinking "Having a BABY!!"

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFt - you spat out the water you were chugging, causing every particle of the liquid inside your mouth to land straight in front of you - at Molly's desk, paper and most importantly, her face.

Whilst you were coughing and choking on now the water itself, Lily started tapping your back to help you again.

In between your coughs you kept apologizing about absolutely demolishing Molly's face with the aqua you warmed up.

"Oh it's fine" - she brushed it off in the air with her hand, unable to open up her eyes from the liquid that was all over her cheap makeup that would sting her eyes. She could not see a thing "If you excuse me though..." - she slowly got up, frowning from the disgust, bumped her leg into the table, tripped on the carpet and by touching the walls, she tried her best to coordinate herself into the bathroom where she would dry herself off.

You and Lily almost burst out in laughter watching her in such moment.

Lily grabbed a hold of your hands "I am sorry I did not tell you. I didn't have the time and well... James hasn't been the kindest to you."

You took out one of your hands from her grip and placed it on top of hers instead. "You do not have to apologize" - you smiled "You love him, I get it."

But her smile began to disappear as something clearly overclouded her thoughts "<y/n>, I must ask..."


"Are you in love with you know who?"

The question pierced your heart. You knew the answer but it was so hard to say it. Not because of who he is but because of what he does to Lily in the future. Someone who you also had grown to absolutely love. The bright, shining ginger, such full of hope, love and life. And it was hard to love Riddle for his deeds. But your heart was already poisoned by such toxic attraction.

Watching you stay silent and clearly inertly conflicted, Lily clenched harder onto your hands, causing you to look up at her.

"I will take that as a yes." - she smiled. But she was obviously worried. Little did she know she wasn't supposed to be the one worried about you.

"I'm sorry... I've been absent from you and the ministry. I swear I have not told him anything."

"I know." - she softly shook your hands "I trust you completely" - she flashed you one of the warmest smiles you've seen her wear "After all, you love him. I get it." - she winked. 

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