Part 7 Diagon Alley | Edited

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When Saturday morning came, you and Lily changed into regular clothes and left for the cobblestone shopping area for wizards and witches - Diagon Alley.

"You sure you'll have enough sickles for the supplies?" - the ginger girl asked you as she looked down at the fragment of paper she clenched between her fingertips. It was a list of needed equipment.

"I should be alright, I have a pouch full of galleons"

"You keep them with you at all times I hope" - she glanced at the black satchel around your shoulder "There are thieves, you know. And for your sake, I hope you won't come across a niffler."

"Oh, those things are adorable"

"Yeah until they steal a watch your friend bought you."

"Must have been one shiny watch"

"It was my favourite" - she pouted

"So can I get a pet then?" - you pointed at the list in her hands

"Yep. You can choose between an owl, a toad or a cat. Which one would you like?"

"A snake."

"A snake?!" - Lily's eyes bloated "D-Did you not hear the selection?"

"I did but I want to get a snake."

"But they're not permitted, you'll get into trouble"

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see about that. If the headmaster will ask me - I'll return or give it away."

"Alright.." - she lowered the list

"I also want to get a rabbit."

"A rabbit??" - her voice quivered

"Preferably white and fluffy with long ears"

"A rabbit and a snake..." - she murmured "What made you think it's a good idea to keep the two together?"

"Well snakes are awesome pets. They're mostly quiet and don't require daily walks. And rabbits are adorable."

"But you have to take care of them, you know." - concerned, Lily said

"That's the same with every pet."

Another reason why you wanted these animals was because a snake would capture Tom's attention since he is speaks parseltongue. And a rabbit could play a part as a decoy.

"I don't know" - she glimpsed down "Two pets that are against the school's rules?"

"That's the fun of it, it is against the rules" - you playfully told her

"Well... Alright... If that's what you want..." - she murmured, obviously displeased.

"So you'll help me?"

She sighed "Okay... fine. I know a place."

She led you into a pet shop of three floors. There were all sorts of pets from mammals to amphibians. Eventually, out of the hundreds that were there, you chose your final two pets.

There it was, a greyish white rabbit, its tiny, glossy eyes looking right at you, laying on top of its warm, little blanket.

There it was, a greyish white rabbit, its tiny, glossy eyes looking right at you, laying on top of its warm, little blanket

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